Using Date Fields to Manage Property Maintenance Tasks

Gary Hawton

Last Update 9 bulan yang lalu

One of the regular tasks performed by many home watch companies is performing simple maintenance tasks, such as changing air filters, changing batteries in smoke detectors, updating the irrigation system schedule, etc.

Home Watch IT now makes it much easier to track these items as well as update the dates that you last performed them automatically.

You can manage the different types of dates you wish to track from within the Preferences screen. (Click the 3 dots on the Home Watch Admin tile on your dashboard and click Preferences). Open the Service Dates section and you can manage descriptions or add new types of dates you wish to track there. There is no limit to the number of dates you want to track. Use the “DateNo” column to determine the order you want those dates displayed.

You can view and update the dates manually in the Customer’s Property screen by opening the Service Dates section:

You’ll see that the dates are now presented in a grid format which will expand or collapse depending on how many dates you wish to track for each property. You can add additional dates by using the Add Date button, or remove a date from tracking by clicking on the trashcan.

This same list of dates is available in the Route Technician App for reference while you are at a property.

You also have the ability to update these dates automatically. To do this, the dates are tied to a Work Order – either a Series or a OneTime Work Order can be used for this. When entering the Work Order, you will see the Service Date to update field in the Work Order Information tab:

You can pick/assign any of your dates to a Work Order, and upon completion of the Work Order (actually the evening after you complete the Work Order) the dates in the Customer screen will be updated automatically.

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