Setting Up Clients with Multiple Properties

Gary Hawton

Last Update 10 bulan yang lalu

You may run into a situation where you have a client with multiple properties, or have a corporate entity that owns multiple properties. These are easily set up and managed within the system.

Due to the way QuickBooks is designed, this is set up using a Parent and Sub-Customer structure. In the two scenarios mentioned above, you would set up the system like this:

Scenario 1: Customer with multiple properties

In this scenario, set up the Customer as the parent, and each property as a sub-customer.

Parent: Brower, Brian

  • Sub-Customer 1: 123 Main Street
  • Sub-Customer 2: 456 Elm Street

Scenario 2: Corporate Entity with multiple properties

In this scenario, also illustrated with screenshots below, add the corporation as the parent and the properties owned as sub-customer.

Parent: Test Company, LLC

  • Sub-Customer 1: Brower Residence
  • Sub-Customer 2: Johnson Residence

The steps to do this are simple, especially if done within QuickBooks.

First, let’s set up the new Parent Company: Test Company, LLC.

Set it up as you would set up any new customer in QuickBooks, including billing terms, etc.

Next set up the new properties as new Customers in QuickBooks. It is recommended to use the property address as the Company Name.   

What is important to note on this property is that you check the box “Is sub-customer” and then select the parent company from the dropdown immediately below that. It is also recommended to choose “Bill this customer” rather than “Bill parent” as this will generate separate invoices for each property rather than one big single invoice with all of the properties transactions on it. The contact info and email address will be the same as the parent company.

When viewing the parent and children in QuickBooks you’ll notice the indented structure showing the relationship, and also the updated name showing the parent with children:

This will be similar to the view you see in the Business Management System once these changes sync over.

In your Customer List, and in all other Customer selection areas with the System you will see the Parent plus the sub-customer name (usually the address):

When assigning Work Orders or In Residence Entries always choose one of the sub-customers. Everything will operate as normal throughout the system.

If you use the portal the client will choose with property they wish to log in to after they enter their password information.

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