Property Statistics

Gary Hawton

Last Update vor 9 Monaten

Property Statistics allows you to track various traits about the properties that you manage and can use those for planning purposes. Initially, the information stored includes: type of property (house, condo, apartment, office, lot, other), square footage, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and a text field for other information about the property..

Normally, you can enter the Property Statistic information on the Home Watch Customers Screen, right below the property picture.

Click the pencil to edit the data and then save after editing. This information is available in the Customer List as additional columns you can add depending on the report you wish to create.

It is recommended that when you first start using the system you set up your Square Footage buckets to match the types/sizes you wish to track. When you are editing the Square Footage you’ll see a link to Manage the list:

Clicking “Manage Info” will take you to a screen where you can easily manage both eh list of Square Footages and also the different Types available.

Once you have your customers populated you will see another analysis available on the Home Watch Planning main page:

You’ll also notice a link there that allows you to easily add/manage the information about all properties in one place. Click that link to fill in the information as in this screen:

Press Save after you’ve entered a page of info and you can continue with the remaining customers. Once all customers have been populated the graphs will populate using whatever information you have entered.

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