The Estate Management Preferences Screen

Gary Hawton

Last Update 10 เดือนที่แล้ว

Estate Management has a number of options for itself, so it contains its own Preferences Screen in order to manage those options. Access the Preferences screen by clicking the 3 dots on the Estate Management tile on your dashboard.

The Preferences screen will appear as follows:

The prompts and details of each item are as follows:

Term for Subscription: Allows you to change what you call a subscription billing. Although it is usually subscription, if you prefer a different word like Package, Retainer, Admin Fee, etc. you can enter that here and it will be used throughout the system.

Email Template for Approval Requests: If the client submits a service request, and you need to edit it to update the pricing to reflect the service, you have the ability to email the client that they need to approve the request before you can perform it. This is the email template that will be used to email the request and include a link for your customer to use to approve the item. You can edit the contents of the template in the Email Template editor in the Send Email application.

Refresh Calculated Numbers: This section recalculates all of the detailed numbers for the grids and profitability. It shouldn’t be required often as the calculations are all automatically done each night, but if you need to update them immediately due to a large number of entries you can do so here.

Update Items to Include in Requests Grid: This grid allows you to control which items will be visible to your clients when making a service request through the portal. You’ll see all of your QuickBooks Service Codes here, and you can check the box for those that you wish to include on the portal view – only those checked will be visible to your clients. If you add a new service in QuickBooks, and want to expose that to your clients, you will need to come here and check the box next to the new item.

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