MQA Dashboard for Starter Kit Users

Gary Hawton

Last Update 9 months ago

(0:10 - 0:37)

This video will serve as an introduction to the Monitor QA dashboard for Starter Kit users. I'm going to cover some of the highlights, but feel free to poke around on some of the other areas within the dashboard, such as analytics, if you'd like to. So the first thing is we have a dashboard which shows you how many audits you have coming up, which ones are ready to start, you know, which actions are unresolved.

(0:37 - 0:52)

You can see I have a pretty empty screen right here, but let's go in and set up a few things. So first off, under the audits tab here, you have three selections. If I click on all audits, this will give me several lists.

(0:52 - 1:04)

So the first are my pending. These are inspections that have not yet been started. These are ones that you're going to currently work on, and these are also the ones that are going to sync to your telephone or tablet.

(1:05 - 1:23)

If you go to archive, this would show you all of the completed inspections that you have done. You can always go back in and open or look at the details of an inspection. Historically, you can search for various ones.

(1:23 - 1:38)

If I want to search on all of the Peterson ones, I can do that. You can see here's all of my Peterson reports on all the different days I conducted them. Those are the two important ones pending at archive.

(1:39 - 1:58)

The next important area that you'll look at would be corrective actions. This would be if you set up an action within the report that you need to follow up on, and this would show you any actions that are open or any actions that have been completed. I don't have any in here at this point, and actions will be part of the future video.

(1:59 - 2:07)

Next is the schedule. Schedule is very easy. This shows you exactly which inspections you have scheduled and what dates they're scheduled on.

(2:08 - 2:21)

What you can do to add a new schedule is simply hit the plus button here for new schedule. You will pick which template you want to use, so I'll pick my home visit. This will be, let's say, the Smith residence.

(2:23 - 2:39)

I will then pick which property I'm going to use, and I'll cover properties in a moment, but the properties should all synchronize from the customer information app if you have it. Otherwise, you'll need to add those later. I'm just going to click on the test property here.

(2:40 - 3:12)

I can assign if I have multiple users, which typically you don't with a starter kit. Most important here is how often it's going to recur, so I can have it come up weekly. You can pick multiple weeks.

That way, you can say it's going to repeat every two weeks. You can pick the date you want to start this on, so let's start it on May 3rd, and it's going to repeat every two weeks from that date, basically forever. Or you can also have it end on a particular date if you know the person will only be out for a while.

(3:12 - 3:30)

Then down here on the bottom, you have an expiration. So typically, if you set this up, let's say, for every two weeks, the audit itself isn't going to expire and be removed from your list until the next one comes up. That's probably not what you want, so what we can do is set that the audits expire.

(3:31 - 3:54)

Let's say you're going to set it up to go every Wednesday in my case on the 3rd, but you want it to be flexible so you can do the report on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. So what I'll do is I'll say that the audits will expire three days after the due date. So in other words, if the due date is going to be May 3rd, it's going to expire on the 6th and fall off your list at that point.

(3:55 - 4:23)

So now at this point, I'll hit Save on that schedule. Now if I go to my audits list and look at my open audits, you'll see here's the Smith one when it was due, and I can go ahead and start it or go in and go to my telephone, go to my device, and be able to bring that report up and conduct it. And the system will continue to recur and recreate that report based on the period of time that you set up there.

(4:24 - 4:34)

Next section is the library. This will have all of the templates or sets of questions for you. Notice that when I come here, there's two tabs.

(4:34 - 4:46)

I don't have anything in audits, and you most likely won't either. All of yours will be on the checklist tab. So the difference between audit and checklist, an audit is something that is scored.

(4:46 - 5:07)

In other words, if you've ever done a health and safety inspection at a plant, you might get knocked down a few points for missing a few things, and you can score like an 80%. That really doesn't make too much sense in the HomeWatch business. You can use it if you'd like, but mostly you use checklist, and a checklist is just that.

(5:07 - 5:19)

It's a list of things to review and check. You mark them yes, no, and you're done. In this checklist of templates, you'll notice that I have two, and I've also made a copy of my home visit.

(5:20 - 5:42)

You can make a copy of the template by coming over here to the three dots, and then just say copy. You can make a copy of it, edit that, and then ultimately when it's done, you publish it. Template editor is going to be part of another video, but you'll get the idea that right here I've got two templates that have been published and are ready to be used, and one that's in draft mode that I'm making some edits to.

(5:44 - 5:59)

Last, I'll come down to the settings section. In here, a couple things. First of all, under general, this is where your logo and other information is, time zone if you need to adjust it, and what we're calling our audit objects.

(6:00 - 6:16)

Audit objects are those things that you're actually going to be out and doing an inspection on. You can change the word here if you want. By default, I'm using the word property so that you're basically going out and inspecting properties.

(6:16 - 6:35)

If you'd like to change that to say residences or lots or whatever the case may be, you can change that here. You'll notice that that term is used right here on the next column, which says properties. If I click on properties, this will bring up for me all of the properties that I have in the system.

(6:36 - 7:07)

Typically, these are synchronized over from the customer information app automatically, so you won't need to ever add new ones here or even to edit them. I'm going to go in and edit Brower just to show you what it looks like. Basically, it's just the name and address.

We can put different tags on it. We can put a time zone if we want to, and the location again would be synchronized from the customer information app and show you exactly where that is. Very simple.

(7:08 - 8:20)

Not a whole lot to do here. I recommend don't even go in and mess with this one. The last section here that you would want to do anything with would be scoring and scoring would be used only if you're using those audit types of templates.

I basically am going to have your system set up with default score. No reason to even worry about it because it doesn't show up on a checklist, but if you're going to set up an audit type of checklist template, then you can create and modify the scoring system here, which again is beyond the scope of this, but it's available using the Monitor QA documentation on their website. That's essentially all you need to worry about here in this section.

Once you're familiar with this and have the audit set up, now you would just use your phone to bring up the audit, conduct it, and complete it. Once completed, you'll receive an email with the completed audit. You'll be able to forward that email or have the system automatically send out the email to your client, which is going to be covered in a different video.

That's it for this one. Good luck with that. If you have any questions, please reach out to us anytime.

Thank you.

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