Learn how to conduct home visits on MQA
Gary Hawton
Last Update 9 months ago
(0:15 - 2:48)
In this video, I'm going to show you how to take a HomeWatch visit using the Monitor QA application. When you first open the application, there's two important items to notice on the menu on the bottom. The first is the audits button, which shows you any inspections that you have scheduled that you have not yet done, and the results button, which shows you completed inspections.
The program will automatically open to the audit screen, and here you will see any that have been scheduled. If you're using the starter kit, you will use the Monitor QA scheduler, and those will appear on here for you. If you're using the business management applications, the schedule will be managed there, and it will also start any of the inspections here for you, either from the Route Technician app or from the admin.
You can also start inspections right here from the application by hitting the plus sign in the upper right. However, if you do that, they're not going to sync to any of the other systems, so it's always best to start from a schedule unless you have starter kit, and you can start it either way. You'll notice on here I have several inspections that are in my schedule.
For the demo, I'm going to just use the Peterson weekly visit, so I will click on that item here on my list. It will then prompt me to download the inspection. This will then download it to my phone.
This is important to note that if you are going to be in an area with no internet connectivity, you should download your inspections prior to going to where there's no connectivity. That way, they'll all be present on your phone, and you won't have to worry about not having connection. If you do that, it will automatically go to this screen, and you'll see it says begin audit on the bottom.
So I'm going to hit my begin audit and say begin now. Now this will bring up the different sections of my inspection. So you'll see that in my demo here, I have the exterior, the interior, any additional services, and a couple questions for departure.
So let's go through and do an inspection on some of these. So first, I will click on my exterior section, and you'll see now it brings up all of the different questions. It's really just a matter of walking the property and hitting the check mark as you go through the different processes.
(2:49 - 4:02)
If you're using the HomeWatch IT standards template, you'll see that there's a section for landscaping and a separate section for pool and spa underneath my exterior. The reason these are broken down into these little subsections is that you can actually exclude them from the inspection if necessary. So for example, if your customer does not have a pool or spa, you can check the box here that says NA, and it will then prompt you, and you say yes, and you'll notice now that that section is marked NA.
If you're doing a condominium, you can do the same with landscaping. In this case, I'm going to go ahead and open my landscaping section, which I do here by clicking the little arrow, and that will then open up and show you the different questions from the landscaping subsection. So now I can just continue on and mark these items as complete or not.
So let's say that we do run into an issue. So last night there was a storm, and when the storm came through, it broke a couple limbs on a tree. So actually we're going to mark this particular question here as failed and mark the X. Now you'll notice below every question, you have the ability to add actions, notes, photos, etc.
(4:02 - 4:22)
In this case, because there is an issue, we definitely want to put notes and a photo. So I'm going to click where it says note. This will bring up a page now where I can put a note, and I can put something like, let me put the capital, there were two broken limbs from last night's storm.
(4:23 - 4:49)
And I can put that note in my report. I'll hit go back, and you'll see that now that note is here embedded in the report. Photos work similarly.
So I'll click on photo. It'll ask if I want to open my camera, or if I've already selected different photos, I can grab them from my gallery. In this case, I'm going to open a camera so I can take a picture of the tree with the broken limbs.
(4:49 - 6:47)
So let's just call this my tree. So I'm going to frame this, hit my photo complete button, you'll see it turns to a check mark. I can click then on the check mark, and it'll bring up a little editor here so I can, you know, turn this around and crop the photo if I need to by dragging and dropping it.
You can, you know, kind of play with that on your own. And then I'll hit the check mark, and you'll see that puts the photo into the report. Now you can also click on these photos after they've been added if you want to edit them.
So if I click on that particular tree, you'll see this now allows me to add more photos. I can trash photos by clicking the little trash icon, and I can also draw on the photo. So if I did want to draw, I can click the little pencil that's here on the right.
It'll allow me to pick different width and colors, and then all you have to do is using your finger draw on the photo to highlight what it is that you want to show the customer the issue is. When you're done with that, just hit save. That will then save the photo.
We can go back to the report, and there you can see the photo is now marked with red. Let me just for sake here of the demo, complete the rest of my landscaping. And you'll notice that now I've answered all my questions, and when I do, the submit section button lights up.
So I can submit my external or my exterior section. That will then save and upload the photos if I'm connected. If I'm not connected to the internet, it'll just save it and continue on and wait until you are connected so that we can sync.
You'll notice at the bottom it now says home interior is your next section. So I can click on that, and I can go through and do the same thing with my interior and so on. For the sake of this video, just to make things easier and quicker because everything continues the same way, I'm just going to mark an A for my interior and additional services.
(6:48 - 7:16)
I'm going to go into my departure section, and this is where I can say, you know, yes, the water is turned off. Yes, the alarm is set. Now you will notice on the photo on the main water turned off that there's a red dot.
So this tells me that I've set this question up to make a photo mandatory. So it's going to require that I enter a photo. And you'll notice the submit section button is not lit up green here, even though I've answered both questions.
(7:16 - 7:43)
And the reason for that is we've marked the photo as mandatory. So in this case, we'll hit the photo button, open the camera. Now, I actually didn't turn my water off on purpose here, but I did take the photo of my water main, so at least I can have that here in the report.
(7:44 - 8:17)
Now that I have added the photo, my submit section button has lit up, and the little red dot that was on the photo icon has now turned green, meaning, yes, I've met the mandatory requirements for that particular question. So here I'm going to hit submit section on that. This will now upload that section in my photo.
And I can go to view audit summary if I want to. And here you'll see all of the different items. Everything is marked as complete.
(8:18 - 8:36)
But you will notice on the very bottom, I have a finish audit button that's not lit up. The reason for that is I've set the signature as being mandatory on these inspections. If you haven't turned signature on, then you'd be done and the finished audit would light up.
(8:36 - 9:50)
In my case, because I have signature turned on, I need to come down here, click on add signature, go ahead and sign it, save it. And now you'll see the finish audit button on the bottom has lit up. I can click finish.
This will now make sure everything is synced to the system. And it has assigned it a number and you'll see it's all done. At this point, the system will email me a copy of the finished report in a PDF form.
And if you have the starter kit, you can set it to automatically email your client at the same time. Otherwise, you can grab the just sent to you with the PDF and either forward it or copy paste the email to another email that you sent to your client. Of course, it's easier for you to set it up to automatically email your client when you complete the report.
If you're using the business management system, then the same thing applies. It will now sync this report into the business management system, giving you a link to the report and you can email your inspection to your customer from there. Thank you and have a great day.
If you have any questions, just let us know.