Contracts: Integrating SignNow

Gary Hawton

Last Update 6 bulan yang lalu

You can easily connect your existing SignNow account to HWIT Contracts Management.  To do so, first log into your SignNow account, and click on the API menu selection in the bottom left.

Then click on the Add App button.  Enter HWIT as the name of the App you wish to add, and select Live if prompted, then click Add.

The system with then save the integration, and you will see the Basic Authentication Key shown on the screen.  You can put your mouse just the the right of the number and you will see a copy icon appear.  Click that to copy the key to your clipboard.

In your Home Watch IT system, go to the Contracts Screen and click Integrations in the upper right.

Check the box to Integrate SignNow, then paste the Basic Authentication Key in the box provided.   After pasting it hit Tab or click out of the text box and the system will prompt you for your SignNow login credentials.  Enter them and press Connect.

Once connected, you'll see the status of the connection change from Not Active to Currently active.   You are ready to use the SignNow integration built into HWIT!

The system will automatically sync your existing SignNow Templates into HWIT, but in the future if you add additional SignNow templates you can sync them by using the link located on your Info screen.

You can now link the SmartFields in your SignNow template with data fields in your HWIT System.  Go to Templates Maintenance, open your template from the DropDown, and you will see a list of the different SmartFields that exist in your SignNow template.   You can set up any variables from our standard list of variables in the template screen.

Note that if you need something to reside on two different lines, enter a \n between the fields (see the Service Address example in the screenshot).

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