Contracts: Generating a new SignNow document

Gary Hawton

Last Update 7 個月前

Creating a new SignNow document and emailing it to your client is easy.  Start by clicking the Create New Contract link on the Contracts main screen.

Select your Contact, validate the email address, and then select a SignNow template from the dropdown list.  Click Generate Contract.

After generating the system will display and allow you to modify any of the SmartFields that were generated automatically, including the name of the Document.   Make any necessary changes on this screen before proceeding with sending the Contract.

Once everything is set the way you want it, click Save and Send.  This will then bring up the email template to be sent to your client.  Make any necessary edits to the email and check the box if you with for the Intake Questions to be presented after the contract is signed.   Then click Send Email and you're finished!

When your client signs the Contract, you will be notified by email and you will see the status on the Contracts List change to Signed.  A signed copy of the document will be placed in the Attachments section of the Contract screen for safekeeping.  A copy will also be kept in the SignNow system.

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