Adding Credit Card Surcharges

Gary Hawton

Last Update hace 9 meses

You can have the system automatically add a credit card surcharge or “convenience fee” to your invoices when they are created.

In order to use the feature you will need to do a little set up first.

First, you need a Services Code in QuickBooks to which you will book these fees. In QuickBooks, follow the directions here. The Services Code should be set to “I sell this product”, put the actual description you want on the invoice in the Sales Description field, leave the rate zero, and set your income account to wherever you want those amounts to appear on your Profit & Loss Statement. I would advise checking with your accountant, but most likely it will just go to a Credit Card Processing Fees - COGS account.

Once you have entered the new Services Code and allowed it to sync to Method, you can set up rate and link. Go to the Preferences Screen (click the 3 dots on the Home Watch Admin tile on your dashboard), and open the Accounting Section on the screen. You’ll see a place to put your new services code and also the percentage rate you wish to add to your invoices:

Finally, you can define which customers you wish to add the fee to. In the Customer screen, you’ll see a new checkbox where you can turn on/off the surcharge for each customer.

When you next generate invoices an additional line will be added to the invoice with the surcharge amount and the description you defined.

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