Adding Attributes to a Property in HWIT/Method

Gary Hawton

Last Update 10 months ago

You can add an unlimited number of custom attributes to a Property, and use those for information and filtering capabilities in the future. They can also be used to drive the Dynamic Template Capabilities included with MonitorQA.

Attributes can be created from the Attributes screen, which is found attached to the Customer App Tile on the main dashboard. Click the 3 dots, then click Attributes.

In the Attributes screen, you can select an existing Attribute from the dropdown, or click the Add New if you wish to add a new Attribute to the system.

To add a new attribute, such as “Wine Cellar”, click Add New Attribute, and fill in the screen as shown.

Click Save to save the new attribute. You will then be taken to the Edit Attribute screen where you can add the different values you wish for the attribute.

You can add as many values for the attribute as you wish, simply click the Add New button and type in the value. Here you can see for the Wine Cellar we have Yes, No, and Yes but not used.

Keep in mind that a value of “no” isn’t necessary, as in that case you just would not attach the attribute to the Property. In other words, if the house does not have a Wine Cellar, then there is no reason to attach the Wine Cellar attribute to the Property itself.

Once you have saved all of the Attributes, you can attach them to the Properties. Let’s attach the new Wine Cellar attribute to the Brower property. Open up the property on the Home Watch Customers app, go to the Attribute section, and edit it by clicking the pencil icon.

Click into the Grid under Attribute, select the Attribute from the List. Then select the Value drom the next column dropdown. If you need to add more attributes to the Property just click the Add button and keep going. When you are finished click Save.

After Saving, you’ll have a nice list of Attributes assigned to the Property.

If you are using MonitorQA Reporting, click here to see how to use the attributes to manage the Dynamic Template options.

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