Price Planning - Updating prices automatically

Gary Hawton

Last Update a month ago

(0:11 - 2:22)

Hi, today we're going to talk about the new price versioning price increase feature in version 3.5. This was introduced because adding price changes has always been a little bit difficult. You have to time it right, you have to put it into the series right, deal with the occurrences, then you have no easy way to track when you updated a price for a client unless you kept a special spreadsheet for him. All of those things are now taken care of and removed for you automatically.

So let me show you how to use this and the features of it. I'm going to be going to my planning link from the Planning App, then select price planning now, so price changes. I will go to that screen.

This will allow me to vary and do price changes right here as far as what I want to update. So for example, there's two different choices. Number one is all prices to the same amount.

So what this means is every client with a particular sales code is going to go to the same amount. When you would use this would be, for example, and I'm going to pick an item I have here like mail. So let's say for my mail processing I want to raise this from five dollars that I have been charging to $7.50. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick mail.

It brought up all of the clients I have that have mail as part of their series. I put in the new price code I want to use and then I'll put in an effective date. So I'll put an effective date here and let's say we're going to make this effective June 1st just we have plenty of time to notify our clients.

So at this point I have said I'm going to raise mail from the existing five or whatever it is to $7.50. You'll see it has that here and I'm going to make it effective June 1st. Now before I actually say update, you'll notice that there are show buttons on every item. So what I can do is I can say show me the price changes that have happened historically.

(2:22 - 6:03)

So I can look at this hit show and actually for mail you'll see that I've never increased the price on it before. So that's a very good thing. I'm going to come back to the screen and show you some of the details behind it in a moment but I want to show you how easy it is now to change mail from five to $7.50 effective on June 1st.

So at this point just say yeah I'm going to do all of these clients. You can do some if you wanted to or you can do all. It doesn't matter just check the boxes accordingly and then say update.

It will then say yep it's going to update all of those. I hit okay and at this point the system will go out and set it up so that that price change is going to be effective June 1st. Now it doesn't matter that you have work orders that you've done in May or April or any time period before June 1st.

Those will not be effective. Those will be updated to reflect the existing price. At this point our update is complete.

Now we can continue on. You'll notice that for mail our old rate is now set to $7.50. Very easy to do and we could have done it for selected clients had we wanted to. Let's say though that we want to go through our home visit rates and actually update the rates for different clients one by one.

I will check this button entering different prices for each customer and at this point we want to update our we're going to pick our home watch house weekly. So I will click home watch house weekly. This will now bring up all of the series that I am currently billing with home watch weekly.

You'll see that code here, the description, who the customer is, what we've titled the job name on the work order, what the current rate is, and at this point now we can decide who we want to update with a new rate. So looking down my list here, let's see, good one is pretty cheap, so let's say we're going to update them to $55. If I want to, I can hit the show button and this will show me have I ever raised the rate before.

In this case, yes, on March 1st we raised them from $45 to $50. Well on June 1st we're going to raise them from $50 to $55. They may not like it but we just have to do that.

I can come down here and say okay maybe on this particular property for Thompson we're going to raise that one from $55 to $60. So I could show and look at history if I wanted to, but otherwise I'm just going to say you know what I just want to update these two items. Now hit the update button and we're off and running and we'll update those two items effective June 1st.

So at this point now it's going through my work orders creating what it needs to to make sure that that price increase is in effect on June 1st and you'll notice now reflects that new pricing here. So that is the way that that works on the show price history screen and you can get to this price history screen from the customers file as well, but I'm just going to access it from here to show you a little bit how it works. Now because I clicked on it from Goodwin's line on that page it will automatically fill in the name here and because I was updating home watch weekly it automatically filled that in here so I could see exactly what my price history was on March 1st I raised it from $45 to $50.

(6:03 - 7:42)

On June 1st I raised it from $50 to $55 for that item. Let's say I want to look at all the increases that I've given to Goodwin. So I can check display all items and obviously I haven't increased any other prices for Goodwin.

Let's say I want to look at home watch house weekly but look at it for all customers. So I can check that box and now I can see that okay I have a lot of customers here that are home watch weekly and what their prices were when I increased them what I increased them from and to by looking at this grid. If you want to search on anything in particular you can do that like how many clients are in $60 and you can do that as well.

I could come back into here and change my customer if I wanted to. So if I wanted to just look at Sullivan I could look at him and here you go here's Sullivan. I could do all customers all items if I wanted to look at everything for the client and that would then do it.

I have a filter here of $60 so that's why I didn't bring anything up. Let's get rid of that take the magnifying glass and now you can see here are all of the clients that have been updated no matter what their prices have and were. And here's that mail that we did a minute ago as well from $5 to $7.50. So you can see how all of that fits in and that's it.

(7:42 - 8:01)

Very simple to use but a lot of power here as far as being able to display certain things and you can use this effective with version 3.5 to manage all of your price increases going forward. If you have any feedback please provide that to me otherwise have a great day and please enjoy the new feature.

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