Adding Attributes to a Property w/HWIT Starter Kit
Gary Hawton
Last Update 8 months ago
You can add an unlimited number of custom attributes to a Property, and use those for information and filtering capabilities in the future. They can also be used to drive the Dynamic Template Capabilities included with MonitorQA.
There currently is not a way to manage Attributes in the Customer Info App, and sync those with MonitorQA, but hopefully this capability will be added in the future. In the meantime, it is possible to manage the Attributes directly in MonitorQA. It’s not ideal to have to go to another place to manage them, but this will get you the Dynamic Template capability with the existing system.
First, please note that management of “Audit Objects” or Properties is turned off by default in MonitorQA, as the properties are managed from the Customer Info App. You can request that HWIT turn on the ability to manage Properties in order to take advantage of the Attributes functionality. Please note that if we do that, you still should make additions and changes to customers in the Customer Info App so that the changes will properly sync between systems – if you do not do this you could end up with duplicate properties in MonitorQA.
To add a new attribute, such as “Pool & Spa”, in MonitorQA expand the Properties section, then click on Attributes, and finally click Add New Attribute, and fill in the screen as shown.
You can add choices for the Attribute by hitting the + and adding an additional choice for the Attribute. The choices are flexible and are totally up to you – you can add as many as you wish. Click Save to save the new attribute.
Keep in mind that a value of “no” isn’t necessary, as in that case you just would not attach the attribute to the Property. In other words, if the house does not have a Pool, then there is no reason to attach the Pool attribute to the Property itself.
Once you have saved all of the Attributes, you can attach them to the Properties. Let’s attach the new Pool attribute to the Brower property. Open up the property by clicking List under Properties, and then click on the Customer’s name from the List of Properties.
Click on the Attributes Tab at the top of the property, then Assign Attribute.
Select the Attribute you wish to add to the property from the dropdown list, and then select the Value from the next dropdown.
If you need to add more attributes to the Property just click the Add button and keep going.
After Saving, you’ll have a nice list of Attributes assigned to the Property.
Once you have assigned Attributes, click here to see how to use the attributes to manage the Dynamic Template options.