Customer Info App Tutorial
Gary Hawton
Last Update 9 months ago
(0:08 - 0:22)
Hi, this is a quick guide to the Customer Information app, used by small HomeWatch businesses to store their customer details. When you first enter the app, you'll see a list of your properties. Click on a particular property to see the details behind it.
(0:22 - 0:37)
This will have everything you need to enter the property and perform a HomeWatch visit, as well as contact details for the client. To edit this, click the edit button here. It'll bring up an edit screen where you can now scroll down to pick the item you want to change.
(0:38 - 0:45)
Let's say we want to add some details about a timer light in the interior. We have a notes for the interior here. We'll click that.
(0:45 - 2:14)
We'll type in the notes that we want to save about the interior and checking the timer light. As soon as we're done with that, we just have to hit the save button right there, and that will save the details to the cloud, resynchronize everything, and bring up your customer details fresh. Down at the bottom of every property, you're able to put in multiple contacts.
You can click on any individual contact to bring them up. Same thing here to edit, and then once we're done, we can save that. To add a new contact, simply click where it says new.
Let's say we have a new housekeeper detail that this client gave us. So we'll come in here and say, okay, this is going to be a housekeeper. Her name is Susie, and we'll put in the phone number.
Once we're done putting in those details, once again, we would click save as usual. The system will sync the data to the cloud, refresh, and bring up the details behind that. Very simple.
Let's say we want to add a whole new customer. You'll see the plus icon here on the bottom. Hit that, and that will bring up the new customer entry template.
So we'll go ahead and fill in the details here. You can scroll down and add whatever details you need behind it, as far as the street address. Be sure you put the city and state on the street when you do it as well.
(2:14 - 2:40)
You'll see it look up the Google items, and you can pick those. Fill in the rest of the details. When you're satisfied that everything is entered the way you'd like it to be, you will just click the save on the very bottom, and that will then synchronize the details to the cloud and add this new customer to your list.
(2:43 - 3:16)
To delete one, simply click the trash can icon right here. It'll confirm the deletion, and it'll again re-sync your changes back to the cloud, so everything is in sync. On the bottom, you have a couple other views.
You do have a map view in the middle. If you click that, it'll plot your properties in a map. Click on any of these individual plots, and it'll allow you to bring up the details behind that.
A very simple, easy app that definitely will satisfy the needs of the small home watch company. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to call.