Automatic Emailing or Texting of Your MonitorQA Reports (Starter Kit)
Gary Hawton
Last Update 6 เดือนที่แล้ว
When you complete a report in MonitorQA, the system sends you an email with the completed report within seconds of completion. You can then forward that email and PDF report to your customer, cut/paste, etc.
Now available is the option to automatically send the report to your client at the same time as the report is being emailed to you. You can tailor the email template and the email subject line to fit your needs. As well, if you wish to text the report you can set up a template message to go out with your text.
To access the email settings, click the menu button on the upper left of the HWIT Customer Info App.
Select Company Setup and you will see the email setting information, displaying the current values set:
If you wish to edit the settings, click the Edit button. The settings are described below:
AutoEmailReports - set this to “Y” if you wish for the system to automatically email reports to your clients. By default, all reports will go out via email, unless a client is set to receive a text message instead (see below).
ReplyEmail - set this to your company’s email address. Although the emails going to your client will appear to come from your company name at [email protected], if the client replies to the email it will be directed to this email address. This will assure that you will receive any email responses sent by your client.
BCCEmail - if you want to receive a copy of all emails sent to your client, enter an email address in this field so that you will be copied.
EmailSubject - will appear as the subject line of the email.
EmailTemplate - this will be the body of the email sent along with the report. You can enter as much text as you need and it will be part of the email body. Please note that you can also add the variable
“Entity.FirstName” in the body, which will be replaced with the First Name of the client during the send process.
TextMessage Template - will contain the body of the message if sending via text message.
The PDF copy of the report will be automatically attached to the email or text when sent.
Using Text Messaging
You can determine on a customer by customer basis, whether to send the report via Email, via Text Message, both, or neither. Simply choose the appropriate selection on the Reports Tab for that particular customer.