1/7/25 - Webinar - Best Practices With Series

Gary Hawton

Last Update 2 months ago

(0:02 - 1:54)Thank you again for joining. So we'll go jump right into this particular topic, which is the best practices for series within HomeWatch IT. So really, what we're going to talk about, we're going to introduction, you know, why do you use series? What are they for? And then we're going to do a lot of demo, and we're going to look at a bunch of different scenarios and talk about how to configure and how to set those up using HomeWatch IT and use it as best way practical. And then after that, we'll have our typical Q&A session. You know, feel free to save whatever questions you have, you know, from the demonstration for the Q&A. If it's really important, you can also interrupt, but it's not a problem if you wait until the Q&A session. So just for everyone involved, you know, this is the typical business management system, which is the reporting. I should change that to say monitor QA is also up there with iAuditor, QuickBooks, HomeWatch business management system. This is using the business management system. So the whole idea is what is a series and why do we use it? So the easiest way to think of a series is it's basically your template that you're going to use for creating work orders. And a work order is any event that you need to schedule and or bill for. So basically, everything you do, you know, you want to have a work order for it so it's on your schedule and so that it's easy for you to bill for it at the end of the session. What a series does is it creates a template for that work order and allows it to repeat on a regular basis. So the whole idea is that this will give you that set it and forget it scheduling capability.

(1:55 - 5:44)Once you create the series or a collection of series for a particular customer, you should be able to just let it go. You should be able to just let it go and, you know, ask, sorry, got interrupted, let it go and it'll, you know, keep that schedule created for you and keep it current and you should be able to go from there. So let's look at what our best practices are as far as the demo. I told you we're going to jump right into a lot of demo scenarios. So we're going to start with something very simple and very familiar with to everybody on the call and that's basically we're going to create a bi-weekly home visit schedule starting from January 15th until the end of May. And we're going to use the client of William Russell for all of the demo today. So this is how we're going to start out. So I'm going to flip over to my system and those of you who are familiar with series know that you get to it by going into the HomeWatch admin and then all of the series maintenance is covered in the upper right hand corner here where it says series. So we'll go into that and now this is where we can add, manage, delete our series. We're going to be working on William Russell so I will pick him. So you'll see that this is brand new. It's got no series. He has no series scheduled. It's a brand new customer so we're starting out from scratch with him and so this will show you how the different series can build on top of each other to create what could be a fairly complex schedule if that's your requirement. So what we'll do now since he has no existing series, we'll go ahead and hit the button to add a new one. So remembering that our first scenario, sorry I lost my list here, our first scenario is to create a bi-weekly home visit from January 15th through the end of May. So we'll go down through the process of how to create that series and then how to create the actual schedule itself. So this is going to be a bi-weekly home visit and we can set up our default report template. You know if we have different templates it's always good to create it in the series because then you're able to vary it by client. So I'm just going to pick my regular home visit template. Tags are optional. This would be some way that you can identify a particular service. We'll probably use it later in our demo today. Starting ending times don't matter a whole lot. You know for home visits it's just there to put it on the calendar at a particular time. You can set up the assignment. This would mean that every one of our home visits are going to be assigned to a particular person. It will default to whoever's entering it which is me. We're going to skip over the vendor items right now but what we'll do is we'll jump down here to the detail section. So this section is where you put in all of the information about what you're going to bill and any particular notes that might need to be part of the work order. So for example we have a code for our home watch weekly. So we'll put that in here and then we'll put in whatever the rate is for this particular property. You'll notice it brought up a rate of $45. This is a default rate that's set up in QuickBooks and it's just kind of a standard. But here you can change the rate so that this rate pertains to whatever customer you're working on. So in this case let's say Russell was actually a $60 per visit rate.

(5:44 - 6:46)So we'll put that in. Now we might want to put some note in here that you know what we're going to do a home watch but we're also going to drive their car and get their mail. So we can come in here and we can pick a different code if we have it to say we're going to do mail. Now I actually have mine set up to charge $5 but in this case this is just going to be a note for my technician. So what I will do is I'm going to get rid of the $5 and I'm going to uncheck the include on invoice. So let me explain what this does now. If we uncheck this box this item is not going to appear on the customer's invoice. It's only going to show the one that is checked which is our $60 charge. But when the technician goes out and brings up the work order details on the RouteTech app it will show that he has to do the home watch and he's also got to do the mail pickup.

(6:47 - 7:10)So this is a reminder to him that here are the different things that you have to do at this home visit and you can add multiple items on the series. You can add multiple items on any work order just as reminder items and you can uncheck the include on invoice so that it's just an internal item at that point. So having set this up now we'll hit save and add occurrences.

(7:11 - 10:09)That will then save this template and bring up our occurrence section. So you'll remember we said we wanted to start on January 15th and go through the end of May. So I'm going to pick January 15th as my from date and end of May as my end date. The system knows based on the date that you picked in from that it's going to schedule this every Wednesday on a weekly basis. And you can change whatever your terms are here bi-weekly, semi-monthly, etc. And you'll see as we create different work orders that we'll use these in order to line up everything. So in this case we're going to set this up for this period January through the end of May every week on Wednesday. Once you've added this information you just hit the insert button. This will verify here's what it's going to do. We're going to insert occurrences weekly from January 15th through May 31st. Hit okay and the system will then go out and create those and then bring up the list for us here. And you see it's scheduled a total of 20 items. Now what we can do at this point is I'm going to hit save and close which takes us back to our series screen. And you'll see here is the first series we put in bi-weekly home visit, weekly on Wednesday. The next occurrence of it is scheduled for January 15th and the last date that's scheduled is the end of May. So this shows us exactly what we have on the schedule for RUS. I'm going to pull up a little side screen here just to show you a little bit more detail. Now I think that most of you should be familiar that you can duplicate or open up additional tabs within your system. So for example let's say I wanted to open up another tab of my admin. I can right click on my admin icon say open in a new tab and this will now open up for me in this tab my admin. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to just show you how we're going to build out the work orders and what it looks like. So I'm going to come down here and say I'm going to show everything for this year and I'm going to show only Russell. And you'll see here are the occurrences we just added starting January 15th and this is going out through May every week and even though I type in bi-weekly home visit, I did it weekly so that was my mistake. So let me go in here and I meant to do this weekly. So I'm showing you exactly how to fix the mistakes as well from January 15th. So we'll go back in and pick the 15th. Let me clear that date.

(10:10 - 14:04)January 15th through the end of May and I meant to say bi-weekly. So how do we fix this now? We have all of these created down here on a weekly basis but we only wanted bi-weekly ones. So there is a little check box right here called delete existing. What this does is it deletes all of the existing occurrences within this date range that are already here before creating new ones to fit the selections that we put here, the bi-weekly. So what this will do is it's going to correct my mistake. It's going to delete all of the ones that are here on a weekly basis and create new ones that are bi-weekly. If you watch I'll hit insert occurrences. It'll tell me what it's going to do that we're going to do occurrences for you know every other week. It takes it a second to process and you'll notice now we have it every two weeks. So this is what we meant to do. This is what we wanted. It's now set up here. If we were to go back to our work order list and refresh that you'll see the same thing. It's deleted every other one. Basically we've created new occurrences every other week. So that let's save and close. Now bi-weekly home visit, bi-weekly on Wednesdays from this day range. So this looks a little bit more like what I meant to do. So now we've fixed our mistake. So that's how to create the original series and how to fix any mistakes that you might make. Gary, this is Kimberly. Can I ask you one question? Sure. For that bi-weekly example that you just gave. Yes. What if like I have a customer who's on a bi-weekly and then they decide to all of a sudden come back in town and so then it needs to shift everybody all those weeks by one week. Yes. How would I do that? Let me show you that at the end. Okay. Thank you. Sure. All right. So that's scenario number one. Scenario number two, let's add a work order to the schedule to drive the car every other visit. So we want to just drive the car every other visit. So this is pretty easy to add. So we know that our first visit was January 15th and we want to do it every other one. So right now it's bi-weekly which means we want to do it every fourth week. So we'll come down here. We'll hit add a new series and we'll put in here this is his car drive. We can pick a template. So if you have, for example, a car drive template, you can pick that and we'll come down here to the auto or I'm sorry to the item and we'll pick our auto drive item. So here's our auto drive. So this sets up our template. You see very easy to do. Let's save and add occurrences. Now this allows us to come down here and schedule that. So we know the first one was January 15th, right? Because remember that's where we started. And we basically want to put a no end date. I'm going to just leave this one open forever. So even though we did just through May, let's put this one in the no end date. And we want it to be every fourth week. So what you can do is you could do monthly. Then it would be like every month, which kind of is every fourth week. But we want this to line up with our home visits so that every other home visit when we're there, we're going to do the car.

(14:05 - 15:55)The easiest way to do that is we know that bi-weekly means every 14 days, right? So that means we want to do the car every 28 days. So we'll change this to daily and set this to every 28 days. Insert our occurrences. It's telling us what we're going to do. Now if we look at the occurrences, we'll see, okay, January 15th, February 12th, March 12th. So it's kind of every month, kind of every one month. But the nice thing is if we go back and save and close this, we'll now see, okay, we've got the bi-weekly, we've got the car drive every 28 days. And if we look at our work order list, let's refresh this to bring up new ones. You'll see that on February 12th, on March 12th, it's lining up exactly with our bi-weekly home visit. So using the daily allows us to create that extra interval so that it doesn't matter what the interval is between visits, we can set it up using that daily interval. So that's getting to be a little bit flexible here, but hopefully you're following that instead of every 14 days, it's every 28 days. Let's look at our next scenario. So we're going to add a work order to schedule quarterly air filter changes. Okay, perfect. So let's go back to our series. Okay, so we have bi-weekly, we have car drive. Now we're going to put in a quarterly air filter change. So let's just call this quarterly, if I can spell it, quarterly air filter change.(15:56 - 16:37)And you might have a template for it. I don't, you know, I could probably use my service template, but I'm just going to leave it blank for the sake of the demo. And we want this one to really stick out on our list. So here I can put in a tag and you'll see what this will do in a moment. Okay, this just gives me a way now to be able to pull those out of the list. For our item code, we might have a code for air filters, or you might just have a reimbursable or concierge charge. However you have it set up is fine. But I have a particular code here for replacing the air filter, you know, $20. I'm going to say save and add occurrences.

(16:39 - 18:59)And now we want this to be every quarter. So I'm going to start it on January 15. I'm going to have everything start on the 15th just to make it easy for the demo, but you can pick any day that you want to start. And I'll pick no end date. And I could at this point just do quarterly. This would be great if you've got a handyman who's going out and they're going out strictly to do the air filter changes. So, you know, you can do it every quarter and then they would take that date and schedule it every quarter. On the other hand, I would like to do it myself. As long as I'm there during the home visit, do it at the exact same time. So I'm not making a special trip. So whereas I could do it quarterly. And let me just show you how that looks. I'm going to hit insert. I'm going to hit OK. And you'll see now it's every quarter, January 15, April 15, July 15, October 15. But we know that this doesn't necessarily line up with the home visits. So let's do this. I'm going to come back here, say January 15th, and I'm going to change it to daily. And I'm going to put in 91. Now, why 91? Well, everybody knows a quarter is like 90 days roughly, but some months have more. But I did 91 because if you do the math, seven times 13 is 91. Seven being the number of days in a week. Every 13th week, basically every quarter is 91 days. So if I do it January 15th, every 91 days, it should line up with our existing home visits. So I want to delete these quarterly ones. So that's why I check the box, delete existing. And now I'm going to say insert multiple, say OK. And now that will create for me every 91 days. Now, you notice it's a little different. January 15th, April 16th, July 16th, October 15th. But if I go back and look at my overall schedule with my home visits, let me refresh this, we should see it line up. So we have the quarterly on January 15th. If I look down here, quarterly on April 16th, see, we did it based on every seven days.

(19:00 - 19:27)And you'll notice it didn't necessarily line up with my weeklies. OK, so a little bit off on the logic here. But you get the idea that we aren't necessarily 100%. If this was a weekly home visit, it would have lined up. This is where we can now change those like Kimberly was just asking. So what I can do is, you'll notice I'm at the house on the 9th.

(19:28 - 19:38)And my air filter change is on the 16th. So let's say I want to change this to the 9th. And at the same time, I want to change all the future ones at the same time.

(19:38 - 21:06)In other words, I want to shift everything back one week. So I'll check the box here for this quarterly air filter change that's on April 16th. I'll come down to my actions on selected work orders. And I want to change the date. In this case, I want to change that date from April the 16th to April the 9th. Now, to answer the question that Kimberly asked earlier, this is what you want to check. Slide all future occurrences forward or, in this case, backward because we're going back a week. Doesn't matter. It will slide anything by whatever period you put in. So if I hit that and I hit Update Selected Work Orders, it's giving me a reminder here that you told me you want to slide them. And there's no undo. Once you slide them, they're slid. You can slide them again, but you can't necessarily just undo. So I'm going to say OK. Now, what does that do? Let's bring up our air filters. So we see that we have the 15th of January. Then we have our air filter change on April 9th. So that's great. That lines up with our home visit. And then we come back here July 9th. Remember, it slid it out, back a week.

(21:06 - 21:47)So this is OK. We don't have any home visits scheduled because we only did three at the end of May. But you'll see that it also slid this one and this one both back a week. Maybe in this case, when we add additional home visits, we'll slide it out a week. But you get the idea that you can slide back and forth. All right. What is our next scenario? How are we going to add more here? So add. We're going to change to weekly visits in March and April, like Arizona's monsoon visits. So the reason I bring this up is I know that I have a lot of clients in Arizona.

(21:47 - 24:49)And their clients might be biweekly through most of the season. But it isn't March and April. It's actually June through September. But I'm picking March and April here because it's a lineup with what we did up here through May. But we want to change this to weekly visits. And like I said, in Arizona, they do that during monsoon season. So weekly visits in March and April. OK. So let's take a look at what our schedule currently is here. For Russell, in March, we are going out there on the 12th and the 26th and so on. So what we want to do is we want to have weekly visits in between here. So that means rather than March 12th being the first visit in March, it should be March 5th. So how can we do that easily? Well, we have every other week. So what we need is every other week in between the 5th, the 19th, and so on. Let me show you how we would do that now. Let me, sorry, save and close this. So we have all of those. Let's add a new series. And this is going to be our weekly March and April series. I'm going to set my have. We're going to do the home watch house weekly. We know the rate was $60 for him. Now, I could put in more notes again like I had the mail processing before, but I'm just going to save this. Now, we know that we wanted to start on March the 5th, the week before we already have scheduled. And we wanted weekly visits through March and April. So I'm going to pick April. I'm going to say bi-weekly. Now, why bi-weekly? Again, because we already have the visits there on the 12th and the 29th, but we want to create the ones in between, the 5th and so on. And that's where we have this one saying weekly March and April. So if I go down here now and say insert occurrences, this has created it every other week, 5th, 19th, 2nd, through the 30th. And if we go back to our list and refresh, if we go down to March, we'll see now that we have it weekly, March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, because we have the original ones we put in that said bi-weekly. And we have the filler ones that we just put in here now that say March and April. So you see, this is really adding everything into the schedule we wanted to.

(24:51 - 25:57)We're purposely getting a little bit confusing on the scenarios, but I just want to show you how really any type of scenario that you need, you're able to do with a little bit of creativity using the scenario management. Let's look at the next scenario. So we want to do the car drive work order so that it's always the first visit of the month, accounting for five weeks in December and March. So this, we jumped ahead a little bit with the shift, but this is kind of what we want to do again here. We want this to be the first visit of each month. So it's the first visit in February. In March, it's actually the second visit. So in this case, car drive, we want that to be on the 5th. So I'm going to, sorry, I'm going to go back up to that car drive on March 12th, and we want this to now match the 5th, the first home visit of the month.

(25:57 - 26:32)So we'll check that box, and we want to now do the same thing that we did a minute ago. We want to change the date. We want to change this date to March 5th, and we'll slide. Update. Say okay. Now let's take a look and see what we have here. So now the car drive is on the 5th, so that's the first visit. If we look at April, the car drive is on the 2nd, which is our first visit. So because we're on weekly now, it lines up perfectly.

(26:33 - 27:06)Now May goes back to the bi-weekly, and you'll notice that the car drive actually ended up on April 30th. So this ended up being a five-week month in April. So our car drive is a week earlier than we wanted. So this is again where we're going to need to move it. So we're going to move it from April 30th to May 7th. So we'll come down here, change date, make this May 7th, leave slide checked, say update.

(27:09 - 27:23)So because of the five-week months, it does get a little trickier, but you'll see that what we're doing now is May 7th, first visit, okay, and then we don't have any home visits scheduled in June. So these are all fine. We'll just leave these alone.

(27:23 - 30:02)But the five-visit week kind of throws it for a loop when you're doing things the first week of each month, but it's really easy to hit the slide and just change the two or three months that you need to during your season, and everything else should follow suit because you've used the slide feature. I'm going to come back here to say save and close. Now you'll notice we now have four different series for Williams. So no matter what we have, we can create that, and you can have as many different series for a customer as you need in order to build out their schedule. So the last scenario that I have on my list for today is we wanted to build the client Trowe a monthly fee on the first, but still schedule home inspections weekly and have everything show in the client's invoice. So this is exactly what we did a minute ago with Russell. So let's just go ahead and set this to Trowe, and we want to bill him a monthly fee on the first of each month. So I'm going to click add new series, and we'll just call this his monthly home watch fee. I just have a monthly here. You might have monthly service. So let's just say we're going to charge him $300 per month. Okay, so we'll save and add occurrences, and we're going to have this start on January 1st, and no end date, and it's a monthly fee. So we'll just do monthly. When you do monthly, you have two options. You can say I want to create it on the first, second, third, fourth Wednesday of the month because we picked a Wednesday, or create on the same date each month. Well, I want it to be on the first each month, so that's why I'm going to pick create on the same date each month. Otherwise, if it's something you do on the first Wednesday, you can do that as well on the second Wednesday. I'm going to say insert. This will hit the button there, and you'll see now that sets up all my occurrences on the first of each month. Now we also wanted to put in, we're going to do weekly home visits. So I'll do these weekly home visits, add a new series, weekly visit.

(30:04 - 32:27)I can pick my template, and this is my weekly home visit. Now in this case, we don't want to bill for it because we're charging him a monthly fee, but we want to be able to put that weekly visit on a schedule so that we know what we're doing, so we can do a report, so the report gets emailed out. So this will allow us to do that and not charge him. Now the other option you have here is do you want that to be on the invoice or not? If you have this as include on invoice, it will put this line on the invoice even though it's a zero fee. And this is nice because this will now give him an invoice that says, here's your monthly fee, and here's all the dates we went out in January. Here's your monthly fee, and here's all the dates we went out in February. So this would show both. If you don't want to show him the dates you went out on the invoice, you can uncheck it. I'm going to leave it checked and come down here, add my occurrences. I'm going to say I want to start this on the 9th, and it's weekly, no end date, insert, hit OK, and I'm done. So now I have weekly home visits. Say save and close, and now you'll see we're going to have a monthly fee, so we're going to bill him monthly, and we have a weekly home visit starting on the 9th, and that's going to go on every week on Thursday. So these two together now gives me the scenario I was just looking for, to bill him a $300 monthly fee, but yet have him on the schedule every week. All right, so that's basically everything that I had scenario-wise. We covered the slide as well. I hope that was beneficial. I know there was a lot of information that we went through quickly, but at this point, you know, please feel free to ask any questions you might have. Remember to take yourself off mute.

(32:30 - 34:11)Okay, it's Kimberly again. I always have questions. No problem. So I'm curious because I'm obviously new to the pro package here, and if I'm in a particular customer, and then I go to their work orders, and I notice that when I pull mine up, it has not the most recent one of coming up, but all of like the old work orders, and is there a way to shuffle it so the most recent one that's coming up is the default that pops up? Are you talking about when you're on the admin list here? Yes. So old ones would come up if you didn't complete them, and they should complete automatically when you do a report. Okay. You are starting the report from the route tag or from the admin? From the, I'm starting the report from the route. And that should mark, once they're complete, it should mark them complete, and then they would fall off of the not started list. Okay. We can take a look at your particular scenario after. I'll, yeah, another time, system and see what we're doing, but yeah, if you're starting the report from let's say monitor QA, that's never going to sync back here. You need to start the report from the route technician app or from the admin. Okay. Thank you. Sure. Hey, Gary, it's Christy. Hi, Christy. Hey.

(34:12 - 34:35)So I haven't jumped into my monitor QA, but I know, I'm assuming it's going to be the same. It has nothing to do with what my reporting system is, but I'll still be able to set it up to where my reports automatically are created, correct? Correct. Everything functions identical.(34:36 - 36:54)It just is when you hit the start report or open report button, it opens monitor QA app instead of the safety culture app. Everything else functions exactly the same. Okay. And so back to this though, not to get off on a different tangent. I just thought about it because I'm going to be seeing Kimberly this weekend and I can show her how to do that. But so I know before there was one other webinar you did. So you went in here and you checked the box and then went down and did whatever to the work order. So when would you ever use this edit series? I don't ever find myself using that. Well, kind of like the mistake I purposely made where I put it in as a bi-weekly and it should have said weekly. If you notice that, let's say this one here should have said bi-weekly or let's say right now it's assigned to Lisa and we decided we're going to assign it to Gary. If I click anywhere on the line, I'm only going to open up the January 7th occurrence of this one. If I want to change it so that going forward, they're all assigned to Gary, I can go here and say edit series. And this takes me straight to the series for that one. And now I can go in and change this to say this should be assigned to Gary. Okay. And then if I save it, it's going to say, do I want to update everything ahead? And you'll say, yep. And then everything will be assigned to me going forward. So that takes care of all that. Now there's another way you can do it. If you are already, let's say on the occurrence itself and you say, oh geez, I'd really like to reassign these to Lisa. Down here on the bottom, go to series. You can click that and that takes you to the series for that particular item. And then you can put it to Lisa and do the same thing, save and have it reassigned. Okay, perfect. Thank you. Gary, I have some questions. Okay.

(36:55 - 37:42)Because we have obviously so many clients and locations, the job name, if we're doing like weekly or semi-monthly or however we do it, is there a way to have a dropdown menu there so that we're not constantly typing in that every time we do a series for every single client? There isn't, but you'll notice when I clicked on mine, let me just go back and stick in a new one. You notice it did this? Yeah. What this is, is this is what's built into Chrome.(37:43 - 38:35)And so using the settings of your browser, it can remember these and you can pick them up easier. Okay. I'm a Mac, so I'm Safari. So I wonder if that- Safari probably has something similar. Okay. I'll have to look into that. I don't know exactly, but Chrome is available on a Mac as well if you- Yeah. And that'll save you that typing. Okay. Because I don't do it through this HomeWatch admin. This is all very new to me. I do it customer by customer, which is just ridiculous, but I don't know how to use this. Every time I go into this HomeWatch admin, it doesn't seem to be as user-friendly as it is right now. So I will have to figure that out. So the other thing is on the- Do that because the customer, it's fine to add this stuff from the customer, but I think you can do it a lot quicker.

(38:36 - 39:18)And you have all of those selections on the bottom here that you can make really quick updates, work orders in bulk, just with a few button pushes. So it's good for you to get more familiar with this one then. Yeah. And so we also use tags a lot. So I'll do the whole West Valley, I'll tag that. So the tags don't just show up here though. You have to then put them in again, even though the clients are already tagged that way. So is there a way to make them automatically pop up there? You mean that the tags for the work orders come on the list? Yeah. So that the ones from the customers could actually just already be there.

(39:18 - 41:26)Yeah. Tags on work orders are different than tags on customers. Okay. Because- And that's on purpose because you might tag a customer that maybe they're also a snow removal client. Okay. But then the work order, you might tag that this is an HVAC repair. I mean, snow removal doesn't make sense. The clients have different categories than the work orders would. Got it. Okay. Yeah. We use it a lot for location too. So it helps us, like I do up this whole Valley as all the different cities and stuff. So I use the tags that way. Okay. And then when I'm doing that, so let's say I have five clients that I'm going to go to in the West Valley and all of them got skipped a day. Can I change all of them at once by pulling up that tag so that I can shift a day on the work orders? Because right now what I'm doing is going into route technician and changing every one by hand to the next day. And when you've got 20 per day, it gets a little- If it's something where like here, I have these all on the seventh and I'm going to do them on the eighth, you don't have to change them. The date of the report can change the date of the work order. That's an option that you can set. But let's say you did want to change all of these to the seventh. Okay. Just check the box. And like we did earlier, come down here and say change date to the eighth and just say update. And now those are all on the eighth. So they're not on my list anymore for today. But if I switch this to say tomorrow- And those are all different customers. So that's exactly what I need to do. That was good. This is why it's much easier to make changes from the admin than to try to- That would be really helpful. So can you show me that one more time? You go much quicker than my brain works. That's right. Let's just say all of these that we moved to the eighth.

(41:27 - 41:30)We'll move them back to the seventh. Okay. So just check the box on those.

(41:31 - 41:36)Come down here to your actions, change date. Oh, just back to date. Okay.

(41:36 - 42:17)Hit the seventh, just say update. And now they're all changed back to the same. I like that. Yeah. Can I pull up the tag then say West Valley and then all of those for that date will pop up? Sure. Let's see. I don't have any tags on these, but let's say for example, you see I've got some Henderson's mixed in. Yeah. You could say just the Henderson. Yeah. Okay. So I can do it like that. Right. If I do just the Henderson's, I can just check the box, come down, change the date. Okay. Like it. Okay. So three, you've done the whole thing. Yeah. Okay. I think that answered my questions.

(42:17 - 43:12)I appreciate you as always. No problem. Anytime. Any other questions? Gary, that was a Shayna and that was fabulous. Your question, because I have that as well. Can I ask, like expand upon it a little bit too for, so I have things grouped by streets can I then set up a tag? Cause if it's all sudden vendors throw off my whole schedule, then that whole street is getting pushed to tomorrow. Would that be the best way to do it is to set up a tag for that particular street and then organize it that way? I wouldn't do that because it's probably not something you're going to do that often. Right. And over the summertime with all of the hurricanes and the rain, it was happening regularly where a whole street would be shifted to the next day.

(43:12 - 46:47)What I would do is if you have a situation where you need to shift it, then on that day, add the street address to this list and then filter to it. So to do that, you see there's this little gear box right here. It says settings. When I mouse over it, click on that, you can come down here and add the address as a column, say update. Now the address is here. So now I don't think I have anything on multiple streets, but let's just say I put in Avenue. Now I can filter on that and it'll bring up all the different avenues I have. And then you can do the same thing to check the box and change the date. But that's what I would do if it's a street by street situation is just add the address to your list, which is temporary, filter on it, and then you've got it here. So that'd be much easier than trying to set up tags because why? You're just duplicating what's already there. Okay. And so then with that gearbox, can I eliminate like city and change that? Yeah, you can do whatever you want. Let's say you decide, I'd rather have the address. I don't care about the city. I don't care about the invoice type. I don't care about the key ID, but I want to add the community name. So you can do that and you can change this however you want. And you see now it's got those columns there. Then if you want to save this for reuse, you can click the little disk here. And I think most of us on this call remember floppy disks. So you can click on that and you can call this whatever you want. Then going forward, even though the system is going to default to this, you can come back and pick Kimberly's list. And now you have the list that you created. Okay. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Sure. Yeah. And in that same thing that you just did with the gear, because there's a route box. So Kimberly, you could set up that certain street as a route and do it like that too. I always use the routes. That's really helpful for me just because we have so many cities here. Great. Yeah. That's a great way to identify sections of town. Because I know as far as our business, when we had it in Las Vegas, it's not too often we'd have multiple clients on the same street, but you had your Delweb Anthem, you had your whatever, Red Rock. And you'd have these different areas, Las Vegas, Lake Las Vegas. And it was easier for us to use the route and create those sections. And then that would allow us to break those down, similar to what you just said on street, but we would do it by the different sections in town. And I'm all in one community, but they're all on different streets in the one community. And so trying to keep, it's just the best schedule. When vendors, I have the schedule of everything smooth, but when vendors interrupt the schedule, then I've got to rotate everybody. Exactly. Right. Thank you. That was helpful. Good. Well, that helped.

(46:51 - 46:58)All right. Really good questions. I hope this was beneficial to everyone this afternoon.

(46:58 - 47:25)Are there any others before we wrap up? Okay. Then I guess that will do it for today then. So thank you for your time, Gary. Sorry? I appreciate your time. Thank you. Ah, no problem, Chuck. Hey, thank you everyone for attending. I appreciate all of you. And if there's anything you need, just let me know and have a great 2025.(47:26 - 47:28)Thank you, Gary. Thank you.

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