Training Options and Using the Project Plan
Gary Hawton
Last Update 9 maanden geleden
(0:11 - 0:22)
Hi, today we're going to talk about the training programs available to you as a HomeWatch IT customer. So basically, we have two different programs. The first is our standard training.
(0:23 - 0:40)
The standard training is primarily accomplished through the HomeWatch IT portal. When you become a HomeWatch IT customer, you will be given access to our special portal and be able to log into it. On that portal, which we will cover in a separate video, you'll find a couple different things.
(0:40 - 2:40)
You'll find a project plan, which is designed to give you step-by-step guidance to getting your system up and running. And you'll have links to all the help videos and be able to access those at any time. The help videos include not only custom tutorials, but also all previous webinar recordings, as well as many other write-ups that talk about particular topics.
And you'll be able to access those anytime through the portal using the Help Center option. Included in the standard training is the ability for email and phone support, provided that you're using the step-by-step guidance, the project plan, and using the videos as your primary source of training. Email support will be returned as quickly as possible.
Phone support can be scheduled using the scheduler that's located not only on the portal, but on the main website. And you can schedule a follow-up training that way. As an option, if you would prefer not to use the project plan and the training videos and have your training conducted one-on-one with individualized sessions, we also have available our White Glove training.
So these would be regularly scheduled trainings that you would put on the calendar. And we will go through each step of the way together on different online sessions. You still have the option to use the help videos at any time.
And the White Glove video will be billed out to you for our one-on-one time in 30-minute increments at a current price of $125 per hour. So it's up to you which one you prefer. If you want a little more, you know, custom and hand-holding, White Glove is available.
If you prefer the standard training, you're more than welcome to do that. Keep in mind that both trainings include access and questions and answers. It's just a matter of what type of training your primary learning is on, whether it's on the standard using the project plan or the White Glove, or it's all one-on-one.
(2:42 - 5:38)
So let's take a quick look at how to use the project plan for your standard training. First thing you'll do is go to the HomeWatch IT portal, which is at You should bookmark that link so that you have it easily accessible to you in the future. As I mentioned, there'll be another video where we'll talk about all the different pieces here.
The ones we're going to look at right now are the project plan and the help center. These are the two that you're going to use to get your HomeWatch IT implementation off the ground. So let's go into the project plan and look at how this functions.
I'm going to click on the link for project plan. This screen brings up two sections. So this is our current project that you'll be working on to get your system up and running.
The first part of the screen here in green are the tasks to complete. The ones on the bottom are tasks that already have been completed. And you'll notice right away that the fact that the agreement has been completed is down here under the completed section because you've already signed your agreement and have been set up as a HomeWatch IT customer and have a new project plan.
You'll have two tasks to complete initially. The first is to send a JPEG of your logo over to us. And the next is to fill out the questionnaire.
You'll notice these are both in a status of waiting for you to fix and to complete. And you'll notice some questions may have a link. And all the ones that you have to work on also have a mark completed link over here.
So let's take a look first. Fill out the startup questionnaire. You can click on this link and this will take you straight to the startup questionnaire.
You can fill out this questionnaire which gives us all of the information that we need so that we can do your templates and set them up. Once you're done with the questionnaire and have sent it, you can close it and then come over here and mark that task as complete. When you mark it complete, you'll notice it's now come down here to the bottom under completed.
It's logged in the date and time that you completed it. And we've brought up a new task for us to look at. So the JPEG.
Let's go ahead and send our JPEG and just attach that in an email to info at HomeWatch IT. And when you're done, we'll mark that complete. All right.
If we purchased QuickBooks from HomeWatch IT, we'll have login for QuickBooks. If not, we set up QuickBooks. Once we set up a HomeWatch IT as account user, then we can mark that complete as well.
And you'll notice that now both of the steps that are showing say waiting for HomeWatch IT. Essentially what we've done is we've completed the initial steps to get the system ready. At this point, now HomeWatch IT will go ahead and do all the configuration based on the information that you've provided in the questionnaire and the logos and so on.
(5:38 - 6:20)
And you will be notified when to come back to this project plan to complete your implementation. At this point, we'll stop here at the waiting and we'll come back after those steps have been completed by HomeWatch IT. So after you've received notification from HomeWatch IT that the system is now ready for you to continue the implementation, you'll log back into your project plan and it should look like this.
Now this is a project for a full pro package. If you purchased a starter kit, your plan will look a little different, but it'll have a similar feel to it. So what you'll notice here is when the system is ready, we'll notify you and send you an email.
(6:21 - 6:59)
You'll also receive an email from Safety Culture to reset your iAuditor password. Your initial password is, and it gives you this password here, but you should change it upon receiving the email. So we've received the email, we've set our password, we'll now mark that step complete.
And we move on to the next one. After the password is reset, make sure you can log into the web portal and access it from a browser. Well, what exactly does that mean? We need to log into the iAuditor system using the password we just set up.
And you'll notice there's a link right here for that. I can click on that link. That will take me to the login screen for Safety Culture.
(7:00 - 8:26)
We can put in our email and password, make sure it works. It works great. Everything's good.
We'll mark that complete. Load the iAuditor application from the App Store. Okay, it explains how to do that.
Notice that this has changed a bit since this was recorded. This is now called Safety Culture, and it explains the idea that once you've loaded the app, mark that complete. And you just continue going in the same way.
Log into the system in the app. Make sure that you set the app setting. And you'll notice we just mark every step complete and follow it as we go.
When we mark them complete, they show up down here in the Completed Tasks section. So if you should ever need to go back and take a look at a link or what that particular step was, they're always here for you in the bottom part. So now let's just go a little bit further.
You should now review the iAuditor tutorials on the Help Center or Safety Culture tutorials on the Help Center that says now. All you have to do is click here on Go to Help Center, and the system will take you directly to the Help Center. Now you could have clicked here on the menu on the portal as well, and you can always do that in the future, but that's the easy part.
Just go there. It will automatically take you straight to the iAuditor tutorial section, Safety Culture tutorial section, and you have all of the videos and write-ups available to you here. When you're done, just go back to the project plan and mark it complete.
(8:27 - 10:03)
And it's just now a matter of continuing to follow these particular steps. When we get to the Pro Package, for example, build out your customers in QuickBooks. If they don't already exist, we've put our customers in.
We'll mark that complete. Here's an item to use the HomeWatch IT marketing video on your website, and you can look at how to do that. We'll do it later, but again, you can mark it complete.
It'll appear down below. You can always go back to it later. HomeWatch IT will advise you when your method system is ready.
We'll mark that complete because we've received that, and we can continue going here, you know, watching the HomeWatch tutorials for the Business Management System or the Pro Package. Again, we can go to the Help Center, and if we click that link, it will take us to the Help Center. Down here are the ones you want to look at for the Business Management System, the Pro Package.
Start with Tutorials 101, and this should bring up a list for you here of all of the Tutorials 101. You can see those videos. The dates and videos will have changed by the time you get into this, but going back to the project plan, here you can see to watch at least the ones that are tagged ANC under Tutorials 101.
We'll mark that complete after we watch the videos. Now it's going to add any HomeWatch specific data in the Business Management System, so we can go in using what we just watched on the video tutorials and enter in that specific data. Things like alarm codes and passwords and what to do with the water.
(10:03 - 11:06)
After we've done that, we'll mark it complete, and we'll go on to the next one. Understanding work order types, how to add your signature for future emails. You get the idea.
Just continue going through here. Click on the links that it gives you. Follow the steps.
Mark them complete, and by the end of this, you will have a nice basic setup. The videos themselves are meant to be generic, and they're very easy to follow. They may or may not conform 100% to the way you do business, and that's where you're more than welcome to send over an email and or schedule a follow-up call to discuss your particular needs, but the project plan and the videos will take you the majority of the way there.
I've had clients that have used the project plan and got their business up and running over a weekend, so it works, and it is by far the best way to make sure that you hit all of the necessary steps in doing your implementation. I wish you luck with your implementation, and reach out if you need anything at all. Thank you very much.