Processing Incoming Emails - Saving to CRM
Save incoming emails to Activities, Issues, Work Orders, etc.
Gary Hawton
Last Update 4 месяца назад
(0:11 - 3:35)The email processing step is pretty simple. When you have emails that require processing or that have come in and are ready to be processed, you will see a banner show up on your HomeWatch admin showing you you have emails to process. If you click that, that will then take you to the screen listing all of the emails that you have in the system. You can filter on them if you want to show you just the unprocessed ones. You can search if necessary, but it makes it very easy here to work through these that have come into your inbox and have been forwarded. So if you look at this, the first thing you can do is get rid of some of the emails that you don't need to save to the CRM to the customers. So for example, you see I have some Monitor QA invoices. So I can go in and search on those, and you'll see, aha, these are all just invoices and receipts. So I'll just select all of those and then come down here and delete. And that will then remove those from my inbox. I'll remove my search term. After you've gone and cleaned up the emails that you don't need, that'll leave you with the ones then that are coming in from your client. Now these all say Gary Houghton on them, so just kind of ignore that at this point. Yours should give the proper customer name, sender, and email address. What you can do then to put these into your CRM is just click on them one at a time. So we'll click on the Grasdore issue. This will bring up the details. Now it will go out and try to find the proper contact and customer that matches the sender of the email. In this case, even though it's my email address, I have it hooked up to a customer and file called Leonard Blanco. So it's automatically found that and put it there. If you need to assign it to a different contact or a different customer, just use your dropdowns to pick the ones it belongs to. Here's where it gets fun now. Now you can assign this off to an issue, and by clicking this dropdown, this will go out and find all of the issues for that particular customer. So in other words, this email probably belongs with the Grasdore Spring issue since it has to do with the garage issue. We can also pick a work order the same way. If we're using opportunities management, we can pick an opportunity. You can also then assign this particular email to somebody within the activity file. This again will probably automatically happen based on who the recipient email address is, and that will be done. Then if there's any attachments, they'll be here, and you'll see right now for activity, there isn't one. In other words, this has not yet been saved into our activities in the CRM. So we can fill this out the way we want. If we need to look at what the body of this email is, we can hit display email, and this will bring up the entire body of the email. And once this is done, we can hit save. This will now assign an activity number because it has now saved this email in your activities file. You'll notice it's now got a check mark there to show you that it's been processed, and you can continue on and process the rest of your emails. To prove this out, let's take a look at our activities and at our issues.(3:35 - 3:51)So first, I'm going to go to my activities app, and let's just go and show all, and you'll see here's the one we just did. Incoming email shows completed. We click on that.(3:52 - 4:03)You'll see here's the incoming email, garage door issue. We could hit view email, and we can see the text from the email. So everything is stored here, and you'll see this is also assigned to Gary.(4:03 - 5:32)Now if we need to set a follow-up activity or whatever, we can do that. When we're done, we'll go back, and we can look at the issue, and we'll find the garage door spring issue. And if we scroll down here to see what are the activities for this issue, you'll see here's our incoming email listed right here that just came in. And again, we can click on that if we want to, and it takes us back to that activity. So you'll see that all of that information now is linked automatically once you go and pick those processes. So very simple. Once you're done, if you've processed all of them, it'll no longer show up here. But if you decide that you've made a mistake, you can click on that particular one again, and you can adjust any of the items here. Hit save. It'll delete this activity and create a brand new one to match whatever the parameters are that you select. If you want, you can also delete the email. This only deletes it from this list. It does not delete the activity. So keep that in mind. Once you save it as an activity, it'll be there until you delete the activity. So I can hit delete email, hit really, and now it's no longer on the list. That's really it for the incoming emails item. Thank you, and have a great day.