Introduction to the Home Inventory App

Gary Hawton

Last Update 8 месяцев назад

The Home Inventory App is designed to track significant assets for your various properties. You are able to track and manage:

  • Asset identification: brand, model, serial number, location
  • Warranty or Insurance info: Provider info, policy number
  • Maintenance Schedules: recurring items that can automatically become Work Orders

When you first enter the app, you will be able to bring up the assets for a particular client’s property, or all assets in total. Most often you will look up the assets by customer like in the following example:

You can click on any of the existing assets, or enter a new asset at any time.

Entry of the asset is simplified so that it works very well on your phone -- therefore allowing easy entry while walking a property. Screenshots in this guide will be from a laptop screen for the sake of size.

When in the Inventory Item, the main screen allows for entry of the major information about the item:

You can also take and enter a photo of the item if desired. Tags are available for you to put any special categories or identifiers that you can use to filter or sort on lists later.

You can enter purchase information in the next section, if you desire:

The Notes and Attachments section allows you to keep detailed notes and history about the item. It is set up to use a full text editing box so that you can assign bullets, headings, colors, or any other formatting necessary to manage your notes.

The Attachments box can be used to store other documents (receipts, repairs, etc) or additional photos, such as a photo of the serial number plate.

The Warranty Information Section contains details about the warranty or extended warranty policy on the Item. Keep whatever notes you need in this section.

The Final Section allows you to see scheduled activities for the item. This is where you can schedule follow-up maintenance on a recurring basis for the item.

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