Integration of MonitorQA Corrective Actions and HWIT Issues

Gary Hawton

Last Update 9 mesi fa

You are able to synchronize Actions created during a MonitorQA inspection and Issues in the HWIT system. Changes made in one system (mostly) synchronize, but as there are more options and fields available in an Issue not everything will sync. Please review the chart below.

To turn on integrations, you need to set the options in your Preferences screen, in the MonitorQA Settings section:

Sync Actions to HWIT Issues: if set to Yes, when you enter a new Action during a MonitorQA inspection, it will automatically create an Issue in HWIT.

Once turned on, any new Actions or modifications to Actions will be automatically processed and updated to the corresponding Issue, and vice versa. Note that currently the only way to initiate the integration is to create the Action in MonitorQA – creating an Issue in HWIT will not integrate. However, once you create the Action you can make changes to the Issue and they will also update the Action accordingly.

Performing this to an Action in MonitorQA:Will make the following changes to the Issue:
Create a new Action
Will create a new Issue, populate the Title, the Assigned To, the Due Date, the Issue Date, and set the Status to “New Issue”
Change the StatusWill change the Status as defined in the Status List (see below)
Change the Due DateWill change the Due Date
Change the TitleWill change the Issue Description
Change the DescriptionWill change the Issue Notes
Change the AssignmentWill change the Assignment
Deleting the ActionWill change the Status to Cancelled, but leave the Issue in the system
Performing this to an Issue in HWIT (which originated from an Action in MonitorQA):Will make the following change to the Action in MonitorQA:
Change the DescriptionWill change the Title
Change the NotesWill change the Description
Change the AssignmentWill change the Assignment
Change the StatusWill change the Status as defined in the Status List (see below)
Deleting the IssueWill delete the Action

Mapping of Status Types between the Systems

The mapping has been set up so that you can determine which status in the MonitorQA Action matches the similar status in HWIT Issues. To do this, you will go to the Issue Status screen (click the 3 dots on the Home Watch Issues tile on your dashboard and select Manage Statuses). You will see a list of the available MQA status codes on the right and you can assign those numbers to each of the statuses in the list. The default assignments will be as in the screenshot below. If you have added any statuses to the list, you will need to define the mapping prior to using that status code on any synced action.

Important notes:

  1. If your Issue Notes in HWIT contain any “line breaks”, newlines – where you pressed the Enter key and started another line – those notes may not sync to MonitorQA.
  2. The above setup works if you have your MonitorQA account with HWIT. If you have a private MonitorQA account please contact HWIT so that it can be set up in your account.

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