How to shift a Series’ Occurrences using the Slide feature

Gary Hawton

Last Update 8 months ago

Sometimes you may wish to change all future Occurrences of a Series by a set number of dates. For example, the client is telling you they are leaving a few days early and you wish to resume the visits early, or perhaps you have them scheduled for Thursdays but wish to move them to Tuesdays… In this case the fastest and easiest way is to shift all of the Occurrences using the “slide” feature.

Using the Bulk Actions on the Work Order List screen, all you have to do is change the date on the first Occurrence, and use the Slide checkbox to move all of the future ones the same way. I've covered this in a couple of the webinars but I can't recall off the top of my head which.

Here is a screenshot to help. Select the first WO, then go to Change Date, select the new date (like I'm moving this one day ahead in the picture), and then click the Slide checkbox before clicking Update. That will move all future Occurrences forward one day.

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