E-03 The Work Order List and Bulk Actions
Gary Hawton
Last Update há 9 meses
(0:11 - 0:22)
There is a lot of power to the system. It's available to you with a few simple keystrokes. And this video is going to cover a lot of that for you that you're going to need while you're setting the system up.
(0:22 - 0:34)
And you're going to use quite frequently during normal system use. So what we're going to do is we're going to go to the HomeWatch admin application and click on that. That will bring up for us the work order list.
(0:35 - 0:56)
There's a lot of things to know about this particular screen, and a lot of flexibility. We'll cover out most of it in this video, but there is a ton more that's available in other videos that are going to go into more detail. So the first thing is this grid is going to show you all of the work orders that pertain to whatever is set in this dropdown.
(0:57 - 1:09)
This dropdown is called the view. It's going to default with a view called not started before the to date. And it's also going to default to show you a to date of today.
(1:10 - 1:27)
So the work orders that are in this list are ones that are not started, dated prior to today. And you'll notice that I have 10 different work orders on here. And they're dated from today, the 30th, as well as yesterday, the 29th.
(1:27 - 1:44)
So why are we including the 29th? That's because they have not been started. This list will show you anything not started that's dated today and prior so that you never lose track of work orders that have not yet been completed. Other views are available for you on this list.
(1:44 - 2:07)
So for example, if I come down here and say show me the work orders in a particular date range, this will then bring up for me the work orders only in the date range, which is set right now to just show me today. So you'll notice that it has now eliminated the ones from the 29th from this particular view. You can also change your date range by going in and keying in the different from and to dates.
(2:07 - 2:19)
Or you can quickly do that by picking these verbal date range options. So for example, I can say show me just yesterday. And this will now show the three that were removed from the previous view that were dated yesterday.
(2:20 - 2:34)
You can go in and say show me next week. This will show you then all of the work orders dated next week so that you can take a look at those. So this makes it very simple and very flexible for you to know what you're looking at and be able to pick different views.
(2:35 - 2:56)
You are able to also search here. So for example, if you want to pull up all of the Revis work orders quite quickly, you can type in Revis, hit Enter, and now you can see Revis for next week. I can also change this now to say show me this month.
(2:57 - 3:24)
So this will show me all of the visits for Revis in this month. So what you can see is this combination of what's in your search bar, what's in your view, and what your date range is will allow you to easily see different views of all of the work that's either coming up or has been completed just so that you can go out and make these particular changes. All right, so let's take a look at some options that you have on these work orders.
(3:25 - 3:36)
So I'm going to change this view to show me next month. That's going to give me all of my February work orders. Down here, you'll see there are three buttons that all say On Selected.
(3:36 - 3:50)
What does On Selected means? It means the ones that you have selected by checking the boxes here on the list. So anything that you have checked here, it will act on. So let's start with the different options that are available.
(3:51 - 4:03)
First, I'm going to just check the top one. If I come here under Work Order Actions, On Selected, you see my first option is to change the status. The status on this is right now Not Started.
(4:04 - 4:14)
So we can change that status to anything we want. We can either change it to Canceled. We can change it to In Progress, any of these other statuses as necessary.
(4:15 - 4:31)
So we know that Not Started is your typical one to say that the work order has not yet been acted on. But let's say for some reason we've already completed this one and we didn't update a report, so it needs to be completed. So I can check that box and hit Complete or Update.
(4:31 - 4:42)
And this now has changed the status to Completed. So you can see it's very easy to be able to change status on a bunch. I can change all of these at one time by checking this box.
(4:43 - 4:57)
Or I can pick selected ones and just say I want to change the status on those particular items. And I'm going to put it back to Not Started and say Update. And I'm done.
(4:58 - 5:10)
Another option that you have on here, and let me just check the first box, is to change the date. So you'll see right now it's dated February 7th. So let's say I want to change that date and I'm going to do it the day before.
(5:10 - 5:18)
So I'm going to pick February 6th here. And I'm going to say Update. And now it has changed the date of that work order to February 6th.
(5:19 - 5:26)
Now you may have noticed there was another option on the change date. Let's change this one again. And I'm going to go down here to Change Date.
(5:27 - 5:44)
And this time, let's change it to February 5th. So just to explain what I'm going to do, right now we've got these dated, or initially it was the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, every week. So every week on Wednesday.
(5:45 - 6:04)
Let's say for some reason you said, you know, I want to change this so that every week I'm going to do these particular visits on Monday as opposed to Wednesday. We could do that by changing the date on each individual work order. But it's also much simpler to use this feature called the Slide.
(6:05 - 6:13)
What we're going to do is we're going to change the date. Let's do this. Let's put this back to the 7th just so that it's not confusing.
(6:14 - 6:21)
OK, so now they're every week. But now we want to change them all to Monday. So I'm going to say Change Date.
(6:22 - 6:33)
I'm going to change the date of the first one. Notice I only have the first one selected. But I'm going to also check the box that says Slide All Future Occurrences Forward, or in our case, backward.
(6:34 - 6:43)
It doesn't matter. What that will do is it will change the date of the first one and change everything after that and make it relative. In fact, let's just make this a little more visible.
(6:43 - 6:55)
I'm going to come here and change my ending date to March 31st so you can see all of my weekly items there. And they're all one week. And we're going to change the date on the first one to the 5th of February.
(6:56 - 7:11)
And since we have this box checked, Slide All, we should expect all of these are going to move two days earlier. So let's hit the Update button, and we'll watch it happen. It's going to give us a little warning that it's going to be moving everything at once.
(7:14 - 7:35)
And once that's done, you'll notice now with refresh and we see everything is dated two dates prior. So it has changed all of my work orders for that particular client or that particular series that easily. So keep in mind that this will change all occurrences of the series that you have checked going forward.
(7:35 - 7:52)
So if you have six months worth, it will change all six months. If you have it set to no end date, it will basically change everything in the future and any new ones that might get created the same way. What other options are there here on the Selectives? Let's check the first box.
(7:53 - 8:07)
We can also change the Assign To. So let's say, for example, Gary, who these are assigned to, is going to be gone for Easter break. So these two work orders here on the 11th and the 18th, we're going to reassign those.
(8:08 - 8:19)
I can come down here and say Change Who It's Assigned To. I can pick that we're going to assign those to Robert and hit Update. And boom, they're now reassigned.
(8:20 - 8:31)
Another option is Change the Invoice Status. This would hardly ever be used. It really is historical that it allows you to turn the invoicing on or off on certain work orders.
(8:31 - 8:41)
And you probably won't need that, but it's there. Delete Work Orders is another option where you can check a couple of the work orders. And you can hit Delete.
(8:41 - 8:50)
And this will physically completely remove them from the system. So use that one with caution. It's more common to just change the status to Canceled.
(8:50 - 9:02)
But if you need to delete for some reason, you can do so here quite easily. You can also email your customers. So in this case, it doesn't make much sense, since all I have is Revis.
(9:03 - 9:09)
So let's just change this to show. I'm going to do this. I'm going to just change it back to my default view of Not Started.
(9:11 - 9:26)
And that will put this back to Today. So I have the first 10 that we looked at. Let's say that there is a particular storm coming up or some other reason that you want to email the clients that are on your route for the day or the week.
(9:26 - 9:36)
So you can highlight any or all of the clients that you'd like to email. Come down to your Actions on Selected button. Pick Email Customers.
(9:37 - 9:51)
This will then allow you a couple of things. If you have an email template already created, you can come in here, select that template, and that would then fill in for you the subject and the body. And you can hit Send.
(9:51 - 10:01)
Let me just refresh this real quick, just to show you another option. You can come down, select again which ones you want to email. Come down to Email Customers.
(10:02 - 10:19)
You don't have to put in a template, but you can just type in a subject. So there's a storm coming. And then type in whatever body you want here, dear client or what have you.
(10:19 - 10:33)
And then hit the Send button as well. If you know the variables in the email, and you'll find those in a list on the Help Center, you can also type those in here as well. So dear entity dot first name.
(10:35 - 10:45)
There's a storm coming. And then that would then appropriately fill each of the emails in with dear and the first name of your particular client. And hit Send.
(10:46 - 10:56)
Another option that you may have seen below here is to text your customers. So I can say, well, maybe I want to send a text message to these three. So I'll come down here, hit Text.
(10:56 - 11:15)
In this case, it will open up a box where I can type whatever my text message is. We will be at your home today. And at that point, I can just hit the button here, and it would send a text message to these three customers with whatever text you put in here.
(11:16 - 11:28)
That's everything on the Work Order Actions button. Here next to it, we also have the Reporting Actions. So this allows you to create reports and send reports based on who you have checked in this box.
(11:28 - 11:44)
More details on this are in the reporting options video. And so I'm not going to go into those details here, but just know that those are there. And then Route Actions Unselected allows you to run a route list.
(11:44 - 11:53)
This is an option that you may or may not have on your system. It's not installed by default, but it's there. And the other is to calculate a best routing.
(11:54 - 12:04)
Let me explain what that means. Here I have all of today's scheduled visits. I can select all of the Gary ones.
(12:05 - 12:13)
So I'm going to filter on Gary. This will bring up just the Gary ones. And when we do a route, it all has to be assigned to one particular person.
(12:14 - 12:25)
You cannot have multiple people to calculate how they're going to drive because they're going to be going different ways. So I'm going to highlight this so that I have checked all of my Gary items. Come down here and say Calculate Best Routing.
(12:26 - 12:54)
And this will now go out and generate for me a leased mileage routing of those particular clients and show me the order that I should go on them or go visit them in order to minimize my driving. More details of this are also included in the Best Routing documentation that we have that shows you how you can update the times and so on to match. I'm not going to go into that in this video, but just know that that's available to you.
(12:55 - 13:04)
One last thing to point out is there is a calendar view here at the top. So you can click on this calendar link. This will open up a calendar view of all of your work orders.
(13:05 - 13:13)
Let me just pick today. And I've got Gary. So you can say, here's the work orders.
(13:13 - 13:18)
Let's put this just in a day view. It might be a little more easy to look at. So here you can see all those work orders.
(13:19 - 13:29)
You can play with the views that are here. More details of this are also in the calendar video, but you can see that you have a lot of different options with that. That's it for today's video.
(13:29 - 13:35)
If there's anything you need, please feel free to reach out and ask. Thank you very much. Have a great day.