11/8/23 - MonitorQA for SafetyCulture Users (Comparison)

Gary Hawton

Last Update há 9 meses

(0:03 - 0:07)

Thanks all for joining. This is kind of exciting.

(0:07 - 0:34)

This is a project really that I've been working on for probably 14 or 15 months now, at least to get it to this point. And it's been something that I felt that we've had to do for a while, and I'll kind of explain why. But anyway, Monitor QA, as most of you know, is a new reporting app that is supported by HomeWatch IT.

(0:36 - 0:51)

The slide, there we go. Basically, what is it? So reporting application. So everybody else that's on or everybody on the call tonight, you're used to using Safety Culture, formerly iAuditor, as your reporting app.

(0:51 - 1:02)

The whole idea is Monitor QA is very similar. It will allow you to manage multiple templates. It will allow you to use those templates to take your reports.

(1:02 - 1:19)

It will allow you to generate a professional-looking report for your clients that you can email off to them. It also allows you to track different actions. So if you need to track an item that needs follow-up for some reason, you can do that as well within the app.

(1:19 - 1:38)

So it's very similar with all of those regards. For those of you that are on the starter kit, it also has the same, if not a little bit better, scheduling capability that Safety Culture provides. If you don't have the HomeWatch IT Pro package, you can use the scheduler that's built into Monitor QA.

(1:40 - 1:55)

Monitor QA is a relatively new company. They've been in business now for, I want to say, four years, maybe up to five. So it's a little bit newer product than Safety Culture, and it's also a smaller company.

(1:55 - 2:13)

And both of those so far have proven to be beneficial in that because it's a newer product, they're very open to hearing ideas. They're very open to incorporating those ideas in the product. And because they're a smaller company, they're much more nimble.

(2:13 - 2:39)

For example, the issue that's going on right now with Safety Culture, where I'm unable to assign the reports to your group, so you can easily view them. It's been four days, and I still have yet to have a response to when they're going to get that bug resolved. I can assure you that within four hours, Monitor QA would have at least addressed it, if not completely solved it.

(2:41 - 3:04)

And like I said, because they're a smaller company and newer product, they're working with us to make their product better. And I've seen in the past six to eight months that I've had the product rolled out, that it really has improved. And they've really taken our feedback to heart, which is nice, because we actually are a fairly large group of users for them.

(3:05 - 3:16)

I have about 70 customers on the product already. My wife's correcting me, 75. So over 70, let's say.

(3:17 - 3:55)

And because of that, they're also working closely with HomeWatch IT to ensure that the product is very compatible and that we have all of the integration points required in order to make it work well, not only with the pro package, but with the starter kit. So why did HomeWatch IT go out and get another reporting application? Most of you know that the whole idea behind HomeWatch IT is what's called a best-of-breed model. This means we take the best software for each application, use that, and tie them together.

(3:56 - 4:14)

So for example, on the finance side, QuickBooks may not necessarily be the best, but it's definitely the most widely used and the most popular. So that's why we use that. And then we can put in a reporting application that works, and originally that was Safety Culture.

(4:14 - 4:27)

And here over the past few months, it's become obvious that we've needed to have a second option. Both products will continue to be supported by HomeWatch IT. The Safety Culture product is not going away.

(4:28 - 4:38)

This is just going to be in there as another option for those that need it. And we'll discuss why you may need it here in a moment. But you can plug either one of them in.

(4:39 - 5:06)

Within the HomeWatch IT Pro package, it's seamless. We just tell it you're going to use Monitor QA instead of Safety Culture, and it will continue to work in the same way that you're using Safety Culture today. So again, why did we look at another reporting app? Over the past two years, I think those of you that have been with HomeWatch IT and using Safety Culture have seen multiple issues.

(5:07 - 5:29)

There might be six months where there's no issues, and then you've got times like the last three weeks where we had a different issue each of the past three weeks. And this has been coming and going, and some of these issues have been bigger than others. Some have required extreme workarounds, like where it was ignoring the fact that you wanted to hide certain pages from customers.

(5:30 - 5:58)

And so I was approached by a few clients in Florida, primarily after Irma last year, that said, look, you've got to have a different solution. Safety Culture's sync just does not work well. And I think we've all seen that in the past year and a half, that the sync sometimes works great, other times doesn't.

(5:58 - 6:27)

And in the case of the hurricane, it was a disaster, because some of them were out of Internet connectivity for a period of five days. And unable to sync reports, unable to work on reports, even offline, was critical. And since Safety Culture didn't want to work offline and kept coming up and saying that, you know, it didn't have a template stored and so on, it became impossible for these folks to do the reports.

(6:27 - 6:48)

So because of that, we went and looked wholeheartedly for a reporting application to replace it, and that's where we came up with Monitor QA. So anyway, here's a few of the issues that I've documented, and I think we all have known and run into these and have seen these in the past two years. Okay.

(6:49 - 6:57)

I have a longer list than I thought I did. Okay. Yeah, all while increasing their prices twice in the past two years.

(6:58 - 7:32)

All right. So what is included with Monitor QA, and how does it compare with Safety Culture? So I have prepared a comparison chart, which I linked to the NHW Connect thread, and I've also got it available to anybody that wants to look at it. But if I were to come over here and look at my comparison, and I assume everybody can see the comparison chart, I have the right screen being shared.

(7:34 - 7:57)

This will show you exactly the compatibility, and I keep this up to date because as Monitor QA has been adding features and working with us, I've been keeping this so that what originally said not available now is very full of checklists. And if you look down the list, you'll see how comparable everything is. So, for example, there's an easy-to-use app.

(7:57 - 8:10)

There's a web-based application. I'm going to show you both of those. The ability to work offline and sync reports when reconnected has been flawless with Monitor QA, whereas we still have issues with Safety Culture.

(8:11 - 8:21)

Copying templates, the GPS location. This here is actually a slightly older version. I told you I'm modifying this.

(8:21 - 8:43)

Here we go. So you can see now that the GPS location displayed on the reports was basically based upon the address of the customer. It will, as of this month, also have the same capture facility that Safety Culture has so that it will actually capture your GPS location when you start your report.

(8:44 - 8:59)

You can always go back in and edit reports after they've been completed. Everything's branded to your company. And overall reliability, really, based on the history that we've had over the past eight months, 10 out of 10.

(9:00 - 9:24)

We had basically one bug that was resolved within two hours of me notifying them of the issue. When it comes to using Monitor QA with the Starter Kit, it is fully integrated. In other words, all of the information you put into the Customer Info app will sync to Monitor QA and become a property in there that you can then audit.

(9:24 - 9:42)

It will automatically email the reports upon completion if you want it to. And it can also push customer information into QuickBooks Online. So all of these are capabilities that we've built into the Starter Kit and are not available with Safety Culture.

(9:42 - 10:03)

If you're using the HomeWatch IT method product, like the Pro package, again, you'll see the similarities pretty much down the line. The one difference is the reports in Safety Culture are a PDF version, but they're still linked in the same way that Safety Culture is linked to a browser report. And I'll show you what that means.

(10:04 - 10:14)

But you still start the reports from the admin or the route tech. They still sync immediately upon completion. You can have unlimited templates.

(10:15 - 10:39)

You can start the reports, like I said, from the app, and that automatically links them. You can format what the titles look like. One feature that Monitor QA has that was just released, and if you read the release notes that came out about two or three weeks ago with the last version of the Pro package, you now have the ability to have dynamic templates.

(10:39 - 10:58)

What that means is you can have the system add sections to your report template automatically based on properties of the home. So let me give you an example. Let's say that you have it set up that the property has a pool.

(10:58 - 11:09)

It will automatically throw in the questions about the pool on the template. If it has a wine cellar, it'll add the wine cellar questions. If it has a boathouse, it'll add the boathouse questions.

(11:09 - 11:37)

And it's all dynamic, which means you may have one template with all these different sections, and the system will only pick up the sections it needs to based on the properties of that particular home. So no longer do you have to have one template for every special house. You can have one template, period, and it will dynamically create itself based on the properties of that particular home.

(11:39 - 12:01)

Pre-filling in questions is the one area that it doesn't allow currently. Some of you use this for what's called an information page, like maybe you have a separate page for your inspectors that includes things like the alarm codes, maybe any other notes, you know, exterior notes, et cetera. So that is not available.

(12:01 - 12:19)

However, that is coming. I was told it's going to be in the next release. I don't have a date on that yet, but that is coming so that we'll be able to populate something very similar to safety culture within Monitor QA and basically takes this one negative off the table here.

(12:21 - 12:41)

And actions, if you use them, you're able to synchronize those back and forth between the issues that are in HomeWatch IT very easily. So everything will synchronize back and forth, and you can take and set up issues just by doing it right from your report. So what does a report look like? I've got a tab open here.

(12:42 - 12:57)

A report with Monitor QA will have this format. It'll have your logo and company name, front and center, along with the name of the inspection. In this case, I've got it set up to be the name of the client and the word residence.

(12:57 - 13:11)

But this is formattable just as it is now with the Pro Package, so you can put whatever you want in there. It'll put the location as well as the GPS, you know, map snippet. You can turn this on or off if you'd like.

(13:12 - 13:22)

It will put the start and completion date. You can turn either or both of those on. I don't know why you'd want both of them off, but you can turn either of these off if you want to.

(13:23 - 13:44)

So, you know, sometimes the customers raise questions as to, well, why did you, you know, spend 10 minutes in the house? Well, I spent 10 minutes on the report. So you can turn off either of the dates. Signature is also something that is an option that you can turn on or off for each template.

(13:45 - 14:06)

Then, very similar to the safety culture, you have sections such as home exterior, and then within each section you have different questions. Please ignore the numbers that I have on here. This is a little bug I had in that template, which has been fixed since, but this example still has the numbers out of sequence.

(14:06 - 14:39)

But each question can be set up individually, configurable by you, and each type of response. Now, most of the time I do this in what's called a checklist format, which means basically I've got a green checkmark or a red X, and that works really well for a majority of questions, but you can have any kind of verbose answers or numeric answers or text answers as necessary. Pictures are embedded right within the report, just as they are with safety culture, as are the notes.

(14:42 - 14:59)

Here's my landscaping section, my pool and SPOC section, which is NA in this case. Now with the dynamic templates, this won't even show up if the property doesn't have a pool. Home interior, and you can see I've got text answers here for my temperature and my thermostat settings.

(15:00 - 15:18)

For appliances, I've got it also set up as a text answer. You can set up the dropdowns, which I have an example of. If I scroll a little bit further here, actually I don't, on this particular template.

(15:18 - 15:39)

But for example, collecting mail, you can have mail processed, mail picked up, all junk mail, no mail present, mail not collected. You can set up any of those options, just as you can with safety culture, and be able to select those from the answers to a particular question. And you can see departure.

(15:39 - 15:53)

I've got my water main turned off. And just like safety culture, you can make this mandatory and also mandatory that a photo is required as evidence that you did turn the water main off. So very, very similar there.

(15:53 - 16:07)

So I'm going to go back here to the comparison chart. And let's talk about the product itself. So first off, there is a web portal component, just like there is with safety culture.

(16:08 - 16:23)

It's used primarily for template editing. With Starter Kit users, it's also used where you can set up your scheduling and manage your actions. You've also got a mobile app application, just like in safety culture.

(16:23 - 16:37)

And this is what you're going to use for taking and completing the actual inspections. That's really all you need to worry about. Everything else is integrated with the Starter Kit and or the Pro Package.

(16:37 - 16:58)

So for example, the properties, or what are called audit objects within the program, will sync automatically. If you have a property in the Pro Package, it's going to sync to the property in Monitor QA. If you have a property in the Starter Kit Customer Info app, it will sync to the property in Monitor QA.

(17:00 - 17:19)

Attributes, those are the features I mentioned about the property, like does it have a pool, does it have a wine cellar, does it have landscaping that drive the dynamic templates? These are all built into the Pro Package and will automatically sync to and from Monitor QA. So you never have to manage it anywhere else. And all of your actions, as I mentioned, sync to or from.

(17:20 - 17:34)

So the nice thing is the web portal component, which I'm going to show you, essentially you're going to use it just for template editing. If you're a Starter Kit user, use it for scheduling. Everything else is integrated and or you do from the app.

(17:35 - 17:45)

So having said that, let me switch back over here. I'm going to start with the application. I'm logged in to the app here.

(17:45 - 17:57)

I have my dashboard present. Down here on the left, just like Safety Culture, you have your menu of options. I'm going to start with the library.

(17:57 - 18:09)

If I click on Library, this allows me to set up my templates for my different audits. And you'll see that I have four templates. I've got one of them in draft mode because I'm editing it.

(18:09 - 18:22)

So the templates can be set up just like in Safety Culture, easy to edit, easy to copy. If I go into this one that's in draft mode and want to edit it, I can show you what the editor looks like. So I'll click here and say Edit Template.

(18:24 - 18:43)

This will give me my preliminary sections, like do I want a signature? Do I have a disclaimer? If I go into the build mode, this is where I can set up the different sections and what's in them. So let's say I want to go into my exterior section. And you'll see here are all of the typical questions.

(18:44 - 18:58)

You can set up whether these are visible by an attribute or not. So for example, landscaping is visible if my attribute of landscaping is yes. And I have a whole document on what that means.

(18:58 - 19:06)

I'm not going to get into that too deep for this particular video. I'd rather just cover the app itself. But each of those questions is here.

(19:06 - 19:22)

It is drag and droppable like Monitor QA. So if you wanted to move things around, you can grab them and move them and easily drag and drop them. You have your different sections, interior, additional services, departure.

(19:23 - 19:42)

If you do want to set up dropdowns like I mentioned, that's really as easy as coming in here and saying it's a dropdown and then giving the different options that you want to choose from. So very similar, very easy. Then the last item that you have here, this report tab, allows you to set up what you want the header to look like.

(19:42 - 19:54)

So as I mentioned, you can turn things off or on. So for example, if you don't want to put the map on there, you can turn that off or on. If you don't want to show the completion date, you only want to show the start date, you can turn that one off.

(19:55 - 20:08)

So you can manage exactly what that looks like. The system puts little accent colors on the pages, which it grabs out of your logo. So they're automatically set, but you can even change it here if you want to.

(20:09 - 20:23)

So this gives you a lot of options, and you can configure your template, your header, your title page, the whole overall appearance. Very simple from this particular screen. And when you're ready, you just save it and publish it.

(20:25 - 20:42)

Going back to my dashboard, I can come here and look at audits. If I click on all audits, this shows me what is active. So a little bit different than safety culture is what is in the pending tab.

(20:42 - 20:59)

These are the ones that have not been completed yet. Once the audit is completed, it automatically moves over to the archive section. So these are all of my historical, and I can go back and search and look for any historical reports and bring them up if I want to.

(20:59 - 21:24)

But what is here and what is in the pending, you'll see in a moment, will match what shows up on the app as my audits that need to be done. If you do actions tracking, you can do that here. Again, I won't necessarily go into it for this particular video, but the actions are usually set up from the app because you do them in the field.

(21:24 - 21:35)

But if you need to take a look at them and do anything on them, you can here. The other item to look at is properties. And I name it properties when I first set you up.

(21:35 - 22:00)

You're able to change this title to anything you want. If you want to call it houses or locations or anything. But I use properties as a default.

If I click on list, you'll see this brings up all of the clients that I have in my system. So these are all synced automatically from either the pro package or the customer info app if you're on the starter kit. So you don't have to do anything in here to manage these.

(22:00 - 22:09)

They will be handled for you automatically. But that's essentially it. This is really all you're going to do in the system.

(22:10 - 22:23)

At this point, let me go into my phone. And I'm going to bring up my phone screen here for everyone. So I'm actually in the app.

(22:23 - 22:35)

And as soon as you open the app, it opens up immediately to the audits page. And as I mentioned, what's in the audits page, these are the ones that need to be completed. So it's very easy for you to see exactly what needs to be completed.

(22:36 - 22:59)

The other nice thing is you'll notice, for example, I got a couple of old ones here, but if I look at the latest report for Blanco, you'll see that the report was set up on the sixth. And right here, available offline. It tells you right here on the screen, whether that particular audit has been fully downloaded to your phone and you can run this audit offline.

(23:00 - 23:12)

And you don't have to worry about that at all. If I click on that particular audit or inspection, it will open it up for me and give me the information about it. I can see any activity that's been done.

(23:12 - 23:23)

And in this case, I'll just hit continue. And this will now take me into my sections. And you recall, we looked at these sections a moment ago, when we looked at the template itself.

(23:23 - 23:33)

So I have my exterior, my interior, my additional services, and my departure section. All of these, again, are configurable by you. So you can have this set up in any way that you want.

(23:34 - 23:52)

If I click on my exterior section, this will now open up the different questions that I have. And I've already partially filled this out here too. So I'm going to jump into the interior section, which I've only filled out a couple items.

(23:52 - 24:11)

But let me just show you how it works. It's the same as the safety culture in that you just walk through and hit, you know, the appropriate buttons as you go. Underneath each question, you have the plus sign, which allows you to add your notes, photos, add any actions or flag it for follow-up requirements.

(24:11 - 24:22)

Adding the notes is as easy as safety culture. Just hit the button here on note. It'll open up the little box and you can type in whatever you need to.

(24:23 - 24:30)

There are notes. If I can spell that right. Type in as much as you need to and hit the save.

(24:30 - 24:39)

And the notes are then saved. Photos. You can open up your photo gallery if you've already taken photos, or you can open up your camera.

(24:39 - 24:54)

If I click on camera, this will now allow me to take, let's get a picture here of my, my mouse. And I can hit the button and they will put the photo there. I can then hit camera again and take additional photos if I need to.

(24:55 - 25:07)

So it is one extra button push right now, as opposed to safety culture, but just hit camera, take the picture, hit camera, take the picture. Like safety culture. You can edit the photos after the fact by clicking on them.

(25:08 - 25:18)

You can either then trash can them to get rid of them. Or you can draw. The draw currently is basically just gives you a color and a width.

(25:18 - 25:27)

And everything is freehand. So it isn't quite as pretty as the arrows. You can draw with safety culture.

(25:27 - 25:43)

That however, is a feature that I personally have requested and discussed with them. And that will be something added to the product. I don't have a timeline on that, but it'll, it'll be a little bit nicer than just having to draw freehand on the picture.

(25:45 - 25:54)

So we'll go back and we have the drawn picture. And we can now basically click that and continue on. Text answers.

(25:55 - 26:04)

I can hit, you know, the remainder of the buttons here, just by going through the report. You can mark it in a, by hitting the slide bar. And so on.

(26:06 - 26:13)

When that's said and done. We can go back. And move on to, you know, let's say our departure section.

(26:14 - 26:21)

Water main turned off. You'll see here that it's letting me know that that photo is required. So it's giving this red.

(26:21 - 26:25)

So I know I have to hit the button here and take that photo. And that's indicated here in red. So I can click on that.

(26:26 - 26:35)

Or it will not allow me to complete the report. You'll also notice as you go. The audit is trying to sync at all times.

(26:35 - 26:52)

And because I am connected to the internet, it is keeping it fully synced and it's making me aware of that right here. So you will never have that question of. if when you go and you want to create the PDF report and you get the little blue boxes because the photos haven't fully synced.

(26:52 - 26:57)

You know, that you see quite often in safety culture. You will not have that here. You will know that it's been synced.

(26:57 - 27:03)

And in fact, it won't even generate the PDF. Until it is fully synced. So that makes it work.

(27:03 - 27:10)

You know that much better. Once the reports are done, you basically just hit the finished audit. Audit button.

(27:10 - 27:18)

And as usual, if you have the pro package, it will sync that. And link it up in your method account. Put the link in there.

(27:19 - 27:27)

If you have the starter kit, you have the option to turn on automatic emailing and or texting. And it will send that report off to your client. As soon as you hit complete.

(27:28 - 27:38)

Automatically without you having to do anything at all. So that is a quick overview of the app. I tried to make it.

(27:41 - 27:57)

You know, kind of do the comparisons, if you will, with safety culture. Just because I know that's what everybody wants to see. You know, Hey, we're used to this.

This is what we're doing now. What are the differences? It is a different app. And, you know, you've got to look at it as it is a different app.

(27:57 - 28:02)

You're going to use it slightly different. However, the functionality is. Almost identical.

(28:03 - 28:08)

And. This one. Like I said, has been rock solid.

(28:08 - 28:21)

Especially when it comes to working offline and sinking. So this one, I want to open up to any questions anyone might have. If there's anything in particular you want me to go into a little more detail on or review a little bit harder.

(28:22 - 28:26)

You know, just take yourself off mute. Ask the question. I'm happy to.

(28:31 - 28:40)

Gary, this is Frank Fantasia. Hi. Is it possible to have it pull the work order number for each.

(28:40 - 28:49)

Audit that's set up in method. Or do you have to set that up manually? Well, you mean the, the work order number. Right.

(28:49 - 28:56)

So I, you know, I had asked you. Some time ago. I wanted to work on a number to show up in the title field.

(29:05 - 29:18)

You can do that. Yeah. You, in fact, you can do it now.

I don't recall. That we said no on that one. Yeah, no, you.

(29:18 - 29:23)

You did with. What I auditor. I was just wondering if that's an automatic.

(29:25 - 29:37)

Functionality of it. Or do you have to set that up? You'd set up what you want the audit title format to look like, just like you do right now in I auditor. And I can show you that.

(29:39 - 29:45)

Basically. Most of you should be familiar with the preferences screen. If you're on the pro package.

(29:47 - 29:55)

So yours right now would say safety culture settings. You'll notice mine says monitor QA settings. So when we flip you over yours, we'll just change.

(29:55 - 29:57)

You'll notice that you have this click to manage. When you open this up. Similar.

(29:58 - 30:04)

Options. Do you want to sync actions? But you have this click to manage templates. If you click on this.

(30:05 - 30:18)

This will bring up all of the templates. And it's a much simpler management because the options are a lot simpler, but right here where it says audit title format. You have the ability to say what you want the title to look like.

(30:18 - 30:22)

And you have this click to manage templates. So in my case, I have it set up to be the last name. And residents.

(30:22 - 30:28)

But I could also say that I want this to be. Work order number. And then.

(30:29 - 30:40)

I just happen to know it's activity record ID. I know that code, but. There is a cheat sheet available on the help system that gives you what these codes are.

(30:40 - 30:44)

And then you have this click to manage templates. So right now this would then say. Fantasia residents.

(30:44 - 30:51)

Work order number one, two, three, four. When we generate the report. Okay, thanks.

(30:52 - 30:57)

So we'll do that. And you have the ability to format that title. However you need to.

(31:00 - 31:07)

Yes. Are you looking at the chats? Yes. We have some questions for you that way.

(31:08 - 31:13)

No, actually, I did not have that up on my screen. I apologize. So let's see if.

(31:14 - 31:22)

I can bring that up here. Okay. Let's go through those then.

(31:22 - 31:28)

So Kimmy, any video availability video is. In process. Okay.

(31:29 - 31:40)

I was told it will still be in this year. But I have not. I've not seen it.

(31:41 - 31:50)

But it is definitely coming and it's coming in a relatively short term. Okay. It looks like that was a question from a couple of people.

(31:54 - 31:58)

Okay. There are only two questions, I guess in the chat. Oh, here's some more.

(31:59 - 32:03)

Okay. Pictures and date timestamp. The pictures and date.

(32:03 - 32:16)

You mean actually putting the date in time on the picture. That actually is a. Request I submitted to monitor QA. Three, four weeks ago.

(32:17 - 32:27)

And they told me that, yes, they will be adding that. And they also told me that they will be adding that to the So just like, like I said, they are just so open to. Any of our feedback and making this better.

(32:28 - 32:35)

And I have a direct line to the VP of development. So it's, it's fantastic. I email him directly with these things.

(32:35 - 32:46)

And we chat probably on at least a weekly basis. So, yeah, I know that that is also coming Bob. Can we pick up a client's previous report to use for the new current inspection? You sure can.

(32:47 - 33:01)

If you go into the route technician. And we go into, let's see, I'll go into Blanco. And we can say, start a new report.

(33:03 - 33:15)

Just like you have with safety culture, you can start with the previous report and bring that in. Okay. Okay.

(33:16 - 33:39)

Okay. Not being able to include videos. I'm sorry.

Who is that? Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn't recognize CHC.

I am, but I guess I should have Sheila. Okay. Yeah.

So. Not including videos. Understand that for some people that's quite important.

(33:40 - 33:44)

That should be. Relatively soon. So.

(33:44 - 34:08)

When that comes out, I will let you know. Okay. In the starter kit.

Can the date be auto added to the title with the starter kit? Only addition. Is. Good question.

(34:10 - 34:21)

It's where we set up our schedule. So audits schedule. So let me go into this one and it's schedule.

(34:23 - 34:36)

So custom audit name. So it's. Only going to put this it's, it's going to add a. Code on there, but it does not actually allow you to format the title.

(34:37 - 34:45)

Flexibly like the pro package does. If I look here on some of the ones I've done. Yeah.

(34:45 - 34:53)

It only brings in whatever you had on your title and you have the date. You know, located. Next to it.

(34:53 - 35:18)

So formatting the title is only a feature from it for the pro package. So Kim, can we transfer our current customers over? So if you wanted to stay with the starter kit, for example, My assumption is you've got your customers in the customer info app. So what I would do.

(35:19 - 35:25)

Upgrade you to. The latest version of the customer info app. The one that is integrated with monitor QA.

(35:25 - 35:33)

So you can say, okay, I'll move all your customers over for you. And then yes, then they will automatically sync immediately to monitor QA. It'd be nothing other than that.

(35:33 - 35:43)

Nothing special you have to do. Gary, this is Bernadette with Vita property services. Hi, Bernadette.

(35:44 - 35:53)

Hi. I was curious about the attributes section of the report. When you were showing off landscaping pool, that sort of thing.

(35:53 - 35:58)

Yes. How. Editable is that are those sections.

(35:58 - 36:13)

Sort of preordained or can they be set up further? What you have is on your customers tab, there is a new entry here that says attributes. And you click on that. This allows you now to.

(36:14 - 36:19)

Manage any number of attributes. So you see, I've got mine set up with a whole bunch of different ones. I've got pool and spa.

(36:19 - 36:29)

If there's anything special that you want to add, you just click on add new attribute. Type it in. Once you set up that attribute, like let me take pool and spa, for example.

(36:29 - 36:39)

Then you can say what are valid values for that attribute. So this case for pool and spa. I have spa only pool, only pool and spa or no.

(36:40 - 36:46)

Reality is. Probably don't need a no. Because if they don't have a pool, you're not going to add that attribute to a property.

(36:46 - 37:01)

But you can add any number of these. So, you know, for example, wine cellar, you could have it as a. Separate wine room, wine cabinet. You know, you can have different, different differentiations there.

(37:01 - 37:11)

For any attribute and what the value is. And then what you'll find is when you set this up on the customer. Like if I go into Brower.

(37:12 - 37:23)

Now with the latest version, there is an attribute section right here. So I have Brower set up that he has a pool only. He does have a water feature and he's got a wine cellar.

(37:23 - 37:30)

If I want to edit or add additional attributes, I can hit this. And now. Add the attribute.

(37:31 - 37:47)

This will bring up from that list we just looked at. So let's say there is a fire feature. And I can select.

Yes. And then save that. And so now if I have a section on my report for fire feature.

(37:47 - 37:57)

That will be added going forward. Okay, fantastic. And so it seems like the values is a child of the attributes.

(37:58 - 38:16)

And then are these attributes tied to anything else in how much it other than the report. The only other place they're used right now, other than the report is on your customer list. Is you can now run a report like by attribute.

(38:17 - 38:29)

So by checking this box, now this will allow you to list each customer their attribute and their value. So if you say, you know, who all has a pool. You can do this.

(38:30 - 38:34)

And it will bring up all the customers. I have a pool. Who all has a wine cellar, who has an elevator.

(38:35 - 38:41)

Any property attribute. That you need to be able to differentiate on. You can do that way.

(38:42 - 38:44)

Awesome. Very cool. Thank you.

(38:45 - 38:53)

Sure. Let's see. The report.

(38:54 - 39:01)

Is. For Steve, the report is a PDF, but it's sent as a link. If that makes any sense.

(39:02 - 39:14)

I. Only have kind of my demo. To show you. But like right now you're the links are all.

(39:15 - 39:23)

Home watch it.report slash. And then the code number. Imagine that what I just typed in here is that home watch it.

(39:24 - 39:30)

Dot report slash code number. The client clicks on that link. And then when the client clicks on that link, It then goes out and grabs.

(39:30 - 39:37)

The PDF version and opens it right up. So it. You know, it is a link that's in the email.

(39:37 - 39:57)

But it will open up a PDF. Starter kit will actually have a PDF attached to the email. Pro package.

We'll have it as a link. Okay. Is there a fee for the transfer? There is no fee for the transfer right now, because I. I don't know if there's a fee for the transfer.

(39:58 - 40:02)

See this as a benefit Kim. So. Looking at.

(40:03 - 40:10)

Being able to transfer that for you. Template conversion. There's no automated conversion.

(40:10 - 40:15)

JP. It's kind of a cut and paste deal. That again, you know, we'll take that on.

(40:16 - 40:22)

In order to copy and move things over and give you that. Initial template. And then you're welcome to do whatever you'd like to do.

(40:23 - 40:34)

To it from there. Great questions. Keep them coming.

(40:34 - 40:48)

It's a. It's good. Did you say the safety coach? Minor QA scheduling is a little better than the safety culture. I think it's a little more intuitive, but it's.

(40:48 - 40:52)

It's depends on you as. As a. As a. Person. Like if I come here to my schedule.

(40:53 - 41:02)

And again, keep in mind, this is only for a starter kit users. This is not for pro package users. But if I come in here and say, I want to edit the schedule for the Smiths.

(41:03 - 41:18)

It's pretty easy. Pick the template. What do you want to call the audit? Which property it is.

So in other words, I picked. You know, the Smith property or my test property. So you actually pick the property itself and it's tied to it.

(41:19 - 41:32)

You can assign. One of your users to it, which in the starter kit is usually just you, but if you have multiple users, you can assign an individual user or don't assign it. And everybody has visibility to it.

(41:32 - 41:40)

And then your recurrence. You can have. You know, one time daily, weekly, multiple weeks and monthly.

(41:40 - 41:48)

And then within each of those options, you can have it repeat every X number of. Those. So in other words, I have weeks.

(41:48 - 41:53)

And I have this repeating every two weeks. You can have it repeat. You know, every one week.

(41:54 - 42:01)

If I set this back to. Daily. You know, I can have repeat.

(42:01 - 42:06)

Every five days. I can. Just have it as a regular weekly.

(42:07 - 42:14)

And what's nice is I can say, you know, this is going to happen. You know, every week. And let's say you want to do.

(42:15 - 42:21)

Maybe you're in a snow area and you're going to do the visits Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So you can do it this way. And have it.

(42:21 - 42:25)

Always on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You can put in the start date. You can put in the end date.

(42:25 - 42:37)

And you can have it never end, or you can have it end on a particular date. And so it's, I think very simple and very intuitive. And the nice thing is as soon as you complete.

(42:38 - 42:48)

One report. It will automatically then create the next one for the next sequence, you know, next schedule date. So you can always see looking ahead, what that schedule looks like.

(42:49 - 43:00)

With your open list of reports. That answer the question. Yeah.

(43:06 - 43:12)

What you're saying is overlap. Some of the functions. You will not know what I did say.

(43:12 - 43:19)

Sheila is you will not schedule in here. If you have the pro package. This is only for users that are on my starter kit.

(43:19 - 43:27)

You will continue to do everything in method. As you always have. Just as the difference is when you start reports.

(43:29 - 43:39)

If you come in here and start reports is it will start them in monitor QA. And if you're in the route tech. And you say, I want to start a report.

(43:41 - 43:49)

I'll show you right. It will start a new report. Okay.

Brings up the same default template thing. Start the report with this template. At this point.

(43:49 - 43:57)

It will automatically start that monitor QA report. And go into monitor QA and take you to. Is to go into that particular item.

(43:58 - 44:02)

Because I'm in the web. This. Open it up here on the side panel.

(44:03 - 44:11)

If I had done this on my phone, it would have opened it up directly to. The audit. Just like a safety culture does.

(44:12 - 44:20)

That works flawlessly, by the way, if you are an Apple. And it works. On most Android devices.

(44:20 - 44:29)

It doesn't work on mine. And method is working with me too. Figure out why it doesn't work on all Android devices currently, but it works on most.

(44:31 - 44:35)

So hopefully nobody here runs into that. That's it. It's.

(44:36 - 44:48)

You see, starting the report is identical to what you're doing right now with safety culture. Once you create. Once you create the schedule.

(44:48 - 44:59)

Do you automatically sync to your, to your iPhone or do you have to manually? When you create this. We're talking to start. I'm sorry.

(44:59 - 45:03)

Kind of have an overlap. Yes. Yes.

(45:04 - 45:26)

When you create that schedule. And you do manage the schedule from the web. It will automatically create those reports and keep them available to you.

And they'll be on your phone. In date order. Okay.

So. So if you're an area with the lowest cell coverage, then it's not a problem, but it's on your phone already. It's already going to be on your phone.

Yes. Okay. Great.

(45:29 - 45:33)

Gary question on the starter pack. Did you say earlier that. It could.

(45:34 - 45:42)

Could be right in the QuickBooks as far as billing, you know, for the visit. So how does the starter kit. It synchronizes the customer's info.

(45:43 - 45:58)

When you're on the starter kit. So the name, address, email, phone number, all of that data synchronizes to QuickBooks. And as long as you update the data in your customer info app, it will also keep QuickBooks up to date.

(45:58 - 46:10)

So if you're an area with the lowest cell coverage, There is no integration with the starter kit for billing because billing is not part of the starter kit. So the. The billing and the invoicing and all of that based off your schedule.

(46:10 - 46:21)

You need to be on the core package or higher. In order to have that capability. Okay.

I thought so. Just wishful thinking on my part. I won't tell you.

(46:21 - 46:37)

I won't tell you I did. I should say I have investigated the options there. But it makes the starter kit too involved.

And then. Because of the way it's licensed in the data, I'd have to increase the price. And now you're might as well get the pro package.

(46:37 - 47:04)

So I need to keep the starter kit where it's at with the simple functionality for small companies. Hey Gary, this is JP. One thing I haven't seen and it's made maybe in there.

Does it, does it have like a common set of answers? That we can use for multiple questions. It has a common set of. Standard.

(47:04 - 47:11)

Answers. I know what you're getting at. If you create a response set, as they call it in safety culture.

(47:12 - 47:22)

Is it reusable in other questions? And the answer there is that is not. At least that's not the way it is in there right now. So let me go ahead.

(47:22 - 47:34)

We'd have to repeat the same set of answers multiple times. If you want to use it multiple times, right? You would have to. That's why I do a lot of these with what are called checklists, just to check or the X. If you word the question, right.

(47:34 - 47:38)

That makes a lot of sense. Just, you know, yes. Done, done, done.

(47:38 - 47:43)

But you have standard answers of past failed. Yes. No.

(47:44 - 47:47)

Putting in a number. A text answer. Temperature.

(47:48 - 47:58)

Or a slider. The, the, the dropdown option is what I showed you before where you can click dropdown and then you can pick and put any number. Of answers below.

(47:59 - 48:04)

Okay. Thank you. Sure.

(48:08 - 48:16)

Gary, you mentioned a problem with the androids. Is that. Is that unique to just some people or is that across the board? It's only on a few.

(48:18 - 48:27)

For example, it doesn't work on me. When I say it doesn't work, what happens is. You know how right now when you're on the route tech.

(48:27 - 48:34)

And I don't think this will affect. Maybe just you, Frank, but I don't think it'll affect your guys at all. I don't think it'll affect your guys at all because they just go straight into safety culture.

(48:34 - 48:39)

And do the report. In which case they'll do it the same way. They'll go straight into monitor QA and do the report.

(48:40 - 48:52)

Well, the, the function that doesn't work on all androids right now is if you're in the route tech app. And you click start report where it automatically opens. Safety culture and opens the report.

(48:52 - 48:58)

Or automatically opens monitor Q and opens report. That functionality. Is what.

(48:59 - 49:08)

Works on most androids, but not at all. That just means. And I don't think you were a client of mine, or at least not with the pro patch package back then, but.

(49:10 - 49:19)

About two, two and a half years ago, you created the report in the route tech. And then you went into. Safety culture and did the report.

(49:19 - 49:21)

And then you went into monitor QA and did the report. And then you went into monitor QA and did the report. Rather than it opening automatically.

(49:22 - 49:34)

You just do the same thing that you just switch apps to monitor QA, the reports there and you take it. Not a big deal. And I'm looking at that as just a temporary issue anyway, for the few that have that problem.

(49:35 - 49:46)

Gotcha. Thanks. All right.

(49:48 - 49:56)

Any other questions? Real good. On the chat. About how many users are available.

(49:56 - 50:06)

For monitor. Monitor QA. Is it the same as safety culture? There is not a three device limit counter.

(50:07 - 50:16)

On monitor QA. Like there is on safety culture. Honestly, I haven't.

(50:16 - 50:19)

Tried that. As far as. I don't know.

(50:20 - 50:38)

Having multiple people log into multiple mobile devices on the same account. I know I have one client where both the husband and wife are logged into the same account on their phones. They're not using it concurrently.

(50:38 - 50:46)

But they. They are both logged in and there's no issue there. I have another client where they have two accounts.

(50:46 - 50:52)

One for the husband, one for the wife. Both logged in. And they're both able to work on the same report.

(50:52 - 50:59)

Concurrently as well. So if one is doing the inside, one's doing the outside, they both have the same report open. They both.

(50:59 - 51:04)

Are answering the different sets of questions. And it will synchronize. Merge everything at the end.

(51:05 - 51:07)

So. Excuse me. So kind of a slick feature there.

(51:08 - 51:15)

So Kim, I don't really have an exact answer. I know that I've had at least two. Working on a single login.

(51:37 - 51:45)

And yeah, Sheila, I understand. Just keep in mind that. If you assign work orders to a particular person.

(51:47 - 51:57)

It's going to go to that account. So, you know, if you have two people working on the same account. It really kind of has to be a shared work order.

(51:57 - 52:05)

Because if you're assigning it to Joe and this is Steve's account, You're logging into. He's not going to see those reports. So have to.

(52:05 - 52:30)

We'll talk about your particular situation and see how we can make that work best for you. All right. Come up to the top of the hour.

Any other questions? Otherwise we'll. Oh, Sheila. Two reporters working on the same account.

(52:30 - 52:38)

Two reporters can be working on the same report. Without any problem. I think we just had a terminology.

(52:40 - 52:44)

Goof there. So if two. Two reporters can work on the same report.

(52:44 - 52:48)

And it merges everything together. So, yeah. Okay.

(52:48 - 52:55)

So then, then yes, the answer to your question is absolutely. That works very well. So if you've got some of those really large houses.

(52:56 - 53:02)

No problem. Yeah. I was going to say, Gary, what don't you give us a quick 30 seconds on.

(53:02 - 53:07)

Sort of that transition. What would happen to me? Set up a monitor. You set us up a monitor QA account.

(53:07 - 53:13)

We started building. Templates and customer lists and those kinds of things. And then you flip the switch to turn off safety culture for us.

(53:13 - 53:20)

So how does that. Work in general. So if you are a pro package user.

(53:20 - 53:27)

If you're not a pro package user. Yes. But first step is email on watch it and let us know you're interested in the switch.

(53:28 - 53:36)

We'll we'll schedule you. As far as, you know, when we can get that done. Make sure that we have all of your templates converted.

(53:36 - 53:43)

Set up your monitor QA account. Get you the logins for the monitor QA account. And then we'll give you directions.

(53:43 - 53:52)

We'll give you directions on how to flip your method account back and forth. So in other words, you can flip from safety culture to monitor QA. Give it a try.

(53:53 - 54:02)

If you don't have all your templates converted, for example, and you need to switch back, you can switch back. And do safety culture for another day. And then switch back to monitor QA when you're fully ready.

(54:02 - 54:13)

So you have the option to switch back and forth. And then once you've fully moved over and are no longer using safety culture. Then we'll turn off your account at that point.

(54:14 - 54:25)

Your reports, all your historical reports will remain. In the system and available to you with the links that are on the work orders. So you can go back and get those at any time.

(54:25 - 54:30)

And that's, that's kind of the transition. If you're on a starter kit. Similar.

(54:31 - 54:44)

Let us know we'll convert the templates. And as I mentioned earlier to Kim's question, we would then have to move your data to the new version of the customer info app. That's integrated with monitor QA.

(54:45 - 54:55)

And we'll coordinate a time then to make that switch. Your data will disappear off the one and you'll have to load the new app. And your data will be there and it'll synchronize to.

(54:55 - 55:17)

The monitor QA app as well. And then as soon as you're ready to turn off safety culture, we'll turn it off. Very easy.

It's really not a big deal. If you have a ton of templates, that's. A little bit trickier because, you know, there's a lot of conversion that has to happen.

(55:18 - 55:23)

If you have a fewer amount of templates. It's a little bit easier. If you want to take advantage of attributes.

(55:23 - 55:30)

You know, that might be a time for you to. Consider. You know, converting 20 templates at the one, for example.

(55:39 - 55:48)

Okay. I hope that answers that question. All right.

I want to thank everybody for participating. Great. You've given me.

(55:49 - 55:54)

A lot of things to think about as well. So I appreciate that. And.

(55:55 - 56:06)

If you want to make the switch, I look forward to hearing from you. And if you have any additional questions that you think of afterward, Just reach out and be happy to. Chat with you, get back online, whatever we need to do to answer your questions.

(56:08 - 56:13)

Everybody have a great day. Thanks again for everything. Thank you.

(56:13 - 56:13)

Thank you.

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